Saturday, June 13, 2015

Private Sector Protection Against Nuclear Attack

Pool inside private nuclear bunker.

This is like to see, a billionaire has created his own nuclear bunker .

I have often argued that government protection against nuclear attack is a myth. The ruling elite will be protected but that is about it. What we need is a world more fearful of nuclear attack and much more focus on self-protection.

The billionaire nuclear bunker of  Robert Vicino is a great start. It is, of course, an extremely expensive (but extremely luxurious) bunker. But if enough others become fearful of nuclear attack and realize that the government won't protect us, then more will demand protection and economies of scale will kick-in that will result in much cheaper protection against nuclear attack.


1 comment:

  1. From the article: “Each family will be provided a private 2,500 square foot of floor area, capable of two story improvements for a total of 5,000 square feet of private living quarters.”

    A multi-family condo. Maybe OK if you live within a few minutes’ travel time; as you know, before the US nuked Japan they sent a notice to everyone in Japan giving them three days’ notice…not.

    I also believe I have read somewhere that some of the most significant wars of the last few centuries were fought in this land stuck between Russia and Germany (and currently exactly the location of current manhood-testing between Russia and the US). Let’s see where this bunker is located (again from the article):

    “The expansive shelter is located in Germany and is one of the most fortified and massive underground survival shelters on Earth. Originally built by the Soviets during the Cold War…”

    Any nuclear way will probably start as a conventional war…and Central Europe is as likely a candidate for this as anywhere.

    So, I am rich enough to buy a multi-million dollar condo unit in the former East-Germany and rich enough to fly there from anywhere in the world on my private jet and connected enough to the guy pushing the button to have ample warning to get there…and dumb enough to place my “safe place” insurance policy right smack dab in the middle of one of the most likely places where both conventional and possibly nuclear fighting will occur.

    Good business plan.

    From Mr. Wenzel: “But if enough others become fearful of nuclear attack and realize that the government won't protect us, then more will demand protection and economies of scale will kick-in that will result in much cheaper protection against nuclear attack.”

    This much is true – the solution will likely be found in the fallout shelters of the 1950s:

    Thereafter, one need find a solution for this:
