Monday, June 15, 2015

NOT GOOD: Bernie Sanders Soaring in New Hampshire

A new poll conducted by Morning Consult shows that among voters who say they will participate in New Hampshire’s Democratic primary 32% favor Bernie Sanders. Hillary is at 44%.

Brace yourself. Socialist Sanders climbing means you will begin to see more and more mainstream articles discussing whether it is finally time for "socialist ideas in America."

Bernie needs to be attacked and attacked. He is not part of the establishment, but his hardcore interventionist views can easily be co-opted by the elite for pure evil.

The hated Hillary remains the best option among current candidates, if one is looking for the candidate will create the most hate of the state



  1. I think Bernie might be helpful in that he draws out all of the ghastly beliefs that "progressives" actually have but would otherwise try to hide or fudge.

    1. Like republican Eisenhower's tax rate of 94%? Or like republican Teddy Roosevelt's ideas of national healthcare? Don't let the Koch brothers use you to enrich themselves even more...

  2. Bob, Sanders is better than Clinton on war, surveillance, and Israel. War is the health of the State and the quintessential libertarian issue.
