Friday, May 29, 2015

Tense in Phoenix at Bizarre Prophet Muhammad Cartoon Contest Rally


  1. Those people would fit in wonderfully in Nazi Germany.

    1. I don't quite understand your point. Are you comparing the drawing of offensive cartoons to nazis who murdering Jews and other undesirable people? Or are you suggesting that these people hate muslims in the same way that the germans hated jews? In either case I don't agree. The former is absurd which is why I don't tend to think it's your position. In the latter, I don't agree that these people hate muslims. (Some may, of course. But most? I don't think so.)

      I think that these people have a muddle view of free speech and they don't want Islamists and those muslims who support sharia courts to get their way and enforce blasphemy laws. They want speech (drawing cartoons - even offensive cartoons) to be free as popularly defined - not, say, as defined by libertarian theory. (According to an April 30, 2013 Pew Research Study, "The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society", hundreds of millions of muslims want Sharia to be the law of the land - effectively outlawing the drawing of mohammed and apostasy, among other things.)

      I'm certainly open to hear what you mean. Cheers.

    2. I was speaking to climate that existed in Germany before and during the rise of the Nazis, when cartoons were also used to provoke and spread hate.

      As I understand it sharia courts are private and between consenting parties. I'm all for more private courts. I'm sure the same can't be said of the statist Islamophobes attending the hate rally under the guise of freedom.

    3. I see little support for free speech by the organizer of this event, he does seem to favor "American" free speech but others should keep it in their house. Is there really a danger that Muslims will gain control of our government and make Sharia the law here? And they say libertarians wear tin-foil hats.

    4. @Josiah

      Sharia seems to be the conservative equivalent to racist on the left. They scream about it to get attention and to get donations from their statist bases.

      Also dont know if anyone caught the interview with the organizer Jon Ritzheimer today. He is claiming that his group is being non-violent which is true but we all know if the anti-coproach, leftist Huey Newton Gun club showed up at a Christian church in the same manner Ritzheimer's group has the conservative media would be screaming thugs to anyone in range.

  2. The "protest" IMO reeks to me as an attempt to get those in the Mosque to react violently and then cry victim. Its pathetic and amusing at the same time to see conservatives using a leftist tactic (baiting for a reaction). If I were those Muslims I would make sure to get armed because you know there has to be some coproaches in this crowd (or the conservative protestors have coproach friends)

  3. This reminds me of a headline I saw today about how the latest "reality" TeeVee show is called "Unreality" and consists entirely of paid professional actors acting in a totally scripted professional production. It's as if the promoters and profiteers of perpetual war in the Mideast wish to do away with the vagaries of clumsy amateurs, provocation, blowback, unintended consequences, revisionism etc., and simply stage a production involving only agent provocateurs, patsies, paid informants, etc., via controlled media so as to re-energize Joe Q. Jingo's two minutes hate against "dem moozlims who hates r freedumbs. Totally fishy, preposterous, and synthetic.

  4. There is a very large minority of muslims around the world that want to impose blasphemy laws on the rest of the world. (There are christians that want to impose blasphemy laws as well. But the punishments are usually much less severe.)
    The "Draw Mohammed Day" is a reaction against these impulses. Libertarians should take a stand as well, making it clear that no aggression should be taken against any person publishing "blasphemous" material on their own dime and with their own property. Governments have no business enforcing blasphemy laws.
