Thursday, May 21, 2015

So How's It Going In Iraq?

By Chris Rossini

The U.S. government has a very peculiar strategy when it comes to fighting against ISIS. Let us not forget that ISIS is simply blowback (or an unexpected consequence) of the U.S. government's bone-headed move of invading and occupying Iraq.

The U.S. should remove itself completely from the Middle East. Every clear-thinking person should come to the conclusion that the U.S. has done enough damage already. They surely have not brought "freedom" or "democracy" or any of the other pollyanna terms to the Middle East. Just chaos and destruction that never seems to end.

The U.S. government should pack it up over there and take it's losses. However, military empires don't do such things, especially when the mentality of those running the show reaches messianic levels. They instead double-down, and triple-down, and quadruple-down until they ultimately bankrupt themselves trying to keep their thumb on everything that happens in the world.

So, with that being the case, and since the U.S. government is going to keep on keeping on, let's observe how it's going so far.

Well, after the bone-headed invasion of Iraq, the U.S. spent the next decade training the Iraqi Army, arming them to the teeth, and spending untold billions of our earnings on the endeavor.

Then, blowback (Ron Paul talked about blowback during the debates, remember?) in the form called ISIS appeared on the scene. ISIS steamrolled through Iraq during 2014 and captured Mosul. The Iraqi army folded like a deck of cards, and ran away leaving ISIS with tons of U.S.-made military equipment.

The U.S. then got to work on trying to destroy the equipment that ISIS seized with bombs and airstrikes. Along with trying to bomb this equipment (and I'm not making this up) the U.S. gave the Iraqi Army even more military equipment.

Now you may be thinking to yourself: "Wow, I'm in the wrong business. I should be making military equipment. It's like minting your own money." Yes, the military-industrial-complex surely believes it has created its own circle of life.

Now let's go from 2014 to 2015, or last week to be more specific. ISIS captured Ramadi, which is the capital of Iraq's largest province called Anbar. Once again, the Iraqi Army folded and ran, leaving behind tons of military equipment that is now in the hands of ISIS.

"Not again," you may be thinking.....Oh yes, again.

And guess how the U.S. is responding? has the headline: US Rushing Anti-Tank Missiles to Iraq. So the U.S. is rushing in even more military equipment to try to destroy the equipment captured in Ramadi!

Do you see a pattern here?

You should....and it should cause you to scratch your head, and wonder how The United States of America, which was supposed to be the "land of the free," got so far off the tracks.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, logic can not be equated with what is clearly a frenzied serial killer who's reasons we are not meant to grasp, but rest assured the purpose is closer to that of a blood sacrifice than anything that would benefit the citizens of this charnel house.

    Allegiance vanishes when when you understand the U.S. can no longer conceal what it has been since it was conjured by the gods on the liminal banks of a great river, amid powerful liminal spaces on the border lands of an unconquered continent.
