Sunday, March 1, 2015

Why Does Rudy Giuliani Hate American Freedom So Much?

Thomas DiLorenzo writes:
Rudy Giuliani made headlines recently by declaring that Obama “hates America.”  While that may be true, it is also true that Giuliani is a card-carrying hater of Americans’ freedom since he has always been a rapid supporter of the “PATRIOT” Act and its demolition of civil liberties; a cheerleader for the Department of Fatherland Security  (He has reportedly made quite a bundle as a “security” expert); and a bloodthirsty warmonger who supports the waste of American blood and treasure in the Middle East as much as any neocon does.  And he has no respect for the one man in American politics who has been the undisputed champion of American freedom for the past several decades — Ron Paul.  It’s hard to think of a bigger champion of the unconstitutional American police state than Rudy Giuliani.

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