Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Rand Paul Ignores Raimondo Plea; Signs Letter Stirring Up Trouble with Iran

Despite a plea from Justin Raimondo of Antiwar.com, Rand Paul has signed the "Cotton Letter," drafted by warmonger, Senator Joe Cotton.

The letter, signed by a group of 47 Republican senators, is an historically unprecedented letter sent to Iranian leaders yesterday, suggesting president Barack Obama’s sensitive negotiations with Iran over the country’s nuclear capabilities were meaningless.

Vice President Joe Biden correctly observed:
Under Presidents of both parties, such major shifts in American foreign policy as diplomatic recognition of the People’s Republic of China, the resolution of the Iran hostage crisis, and the conclusion of the Vietnam War were all conducted without Congressional approval.
In thirty-six years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance in which Senators wrote directly to advise another country—much less a longtime foreign adversary— that the President does not have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them. This letter sends a highly misleading signal to friend and foe alike that that our Commander-in-Chief cannot deliver on America’s commitments—a message that is as false as it is dangerous.
I am not one for big debates as to who should wield more power, the executive office or Congress. I form my policy opinions on a case by case basis depending on who is marching  the country most in line with liberty and away from foreign hostilities. Clearly, it is the president in this case. Rand should be ashamed of himself.



  1. "Rand should be ashamed of himself."

    That would require some degree of self awareness. I'm not too hopeful about that.

  2. I'm still trying to figure out where Rand Paul is in 90% agreement with his father. Where are you getting this Ron? Blood is thicker than liberty I guess.

    1. Randroids constantly make that 90% comment. Rand makes the rounds to kiss the pinky finger of the financial elites, oligarchs and Israel Lobby and Randroids insist that he's fooling them. They never consider that they are the ones being played for a fool.

  3. I hope this action by Rand Paul is the hard slap in the face Justin Raimondo needs to wake up and realize at long last that he has been a dupe all along. Justin's undying trust of a man who never threw more than desiccated garlands towards believers in real liberty has been a sad spectacle for anyone who used to respect Justin. I liken it to instances when you see a couple get married and you know it is doomed from the start, and its is painful to watch as the events unfold. You may or may not have watched in silence as your instincts were judged against reality, as the couple were doomed by the unforgiving meat grinder of reality when facing off against an ill considered union.

    1. I think Justin has put down the Kool Aid and seen the light


    2. JR has not seen any light, he is simply switching flavors of Kool-Aid: https://twitter.com/JustinRaimondo/status/574795960137609216

      The mindset remains that an elected official in the Federal Govt. is somehow a solution. Note the words 'our only alternative.' Who is this "our" he refers to?

  4. I think it's interesting that the Voices of Liberty website never reports about any anti-liberty government actions when it can be tied to Rand. One would think that they would post an article about this whole letter to Iran business.
