Monday, February 2, 2015

The Ghost of Yalta Still Haunts the World

Richard Ebeling emails:
Dear Bob,

I have a new article on the news and commentary website, “EpicTimes” on “The Ghosts of Yalta Still Haunt the World.”

February 4th marks the 70th anniversary of the most famous and infamous Yalta Conference between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin during the February 4-11, 1945

This wartime conference between the “Big Three,” as the conflict against Hitler was nearing its end in Europe, shaped not only the future of the world for the next half century and still leaves its dangerous mark on the 21st century.

Arrogantly seating down together on the Crimean peninsula to politically central plan the postwar world, they determined the fates of hundreds of millions of human beings:

All the people of Eastern Europe who were turned into the “captive nations” in the direct grip of Stalin behind the “Iron Curtain.” The destiny of mass of the Chinese population, as Stalin was given an entrĂ©e into Manchuria that opened the door for Mao’s communist conquest of China.

The division of Korea into North and South, that handed over the people of the North to a totalitarianism on a Stalinist model that stills rules today, and set the stage for the three-year Korean War that cost the lives of 50,000 American service men, and more than a million Koreans.

And FDR’s “dream” of the United Nations as a U.S. and Soviet-led organization to manage and redesign the world through the use of economic sanctions and global policemen using force to put down rebellions or disagreements with what the “Great Powers” believed was good for mankind.

Many conflicts around the world today still reflect the political residues of the Yalta conference seven decades ago. Yalta’s Conference’s darkest shadow still over our own times is the presumption and the hubris that those in political power have the right, responsibility, and authority to plan the fate of nations and peoples through any means possible and necessary, to reshape mankind into the forms the global central planners believe as better than if we, as individuals, were free to shape our own lives.


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