Friday, February 20, 2015

Obama on Rand Paul

Is this like getting an endorsement from the devil?

Would Obama ever say this about Ron Paul?

In my view this is another indication that Rand is tolerated, unlike his father, by the establishment. Not a good thing.



  1. That sounds like a polite thing to say when you have nothing good to say about someone. I would expect the same kind of statement if someone had asked him about Ron Paul.

    1. I agree with you 100%. When someone refers to someone else as "interesting", it rarely seems to be in a positive manner(though I'm sure now and then it's sincere), versus referring to "something" as interesting.

  2. Come on Robert, he's just playing the game. He'll take off his statist clothing and dawn his libertarian Superman uniform with a red letter L on his chest once in office. You just do not understand politics.

    I say the above in jest of course. As if our liberties, our very well being, is some game.

    My sense of Rand is his rebellion against his dad was becoming a conservative since Ron is as radical as one can be in American national politics. They say the two are 95% the same on the issues, what utter non-sense. The two are worlds apart. The very character of the two men is 180 degrees different. Ron is a radical, a button pusher as Rothbard use to say. Rand is a tinkerer, a Milton Friedman. He's a man who thinks he can cut a deal with Washington. He doesn't understand the nature of the elite whatsoever. He doesn't understand you cannot give these people an inch. I will not be voting for Rand. To do so would set us back 30 years like Ronald Reagan's election did before Ron Paul came along.

    1. Yes, i'll be voting for any of the other GOP candidates because they are closer to liberty than Rand. In fact, i'm voting for the Libertarian candidate because they actually have a shot of winning!... FOR LIBERTY!!!

  3. He's tolerated but not accepted.

    1. KInd of like the communofascist economy that we tolerate instead of the free market capitalism that this republic started out with?

  4. Mark my words: Rand's role is to act as strawman to defame the entire libertarian movement and he will go farther towards the presidency than his father for this reason. Libertarians need to dissociate from him now, loudly and publicly, so that they can call him out as a fraud when the media turns on him.

    1. Its been like that for a while, when Beck went by the wayside the statists needed a new patsy to paint to the public as a "libertarian". I originally supported Rand too when he first came on the scene but it was Wenzel's coverage that helped me see the ruse. Its sad to still see some libertarians still buying into Rand's act.

    2. "Rand's role is to act as strawman"... or as I said in another thread, Randy is a tarbaby.

  5. "In my view this is another indication that Rand is tolerated, unlike his father, by the establishment. Not a good thing."

    I think this comment says more about the anarchist bias of Robert Wenzel, rather than the 'interesting' appeal of a libertarian the likes of Rand Paul trying to mix with convincable democrats and conservatives needed for libertarian consensus politics. The latter is the only realist way of achieving any libertarian results in policy, opposed to Wenzel crying for full private anarchic affairs in society. This will never happen.

    Get real Wenzel. Some advise your biggest weakness in a generally excellent blog: quite these low jab personal attacks. It degrades you more than Rand Paul in my eyes.

    A Dutch classical liberal.

    1. "libertarian consensus politics. The latter is the only realist way of achieving any libertarian results in policy, opposed to Wenzel crying for full private anarchic affairs in society. This will never happen.

      What is "libertarian" about "consensus politics"? Anarchism makes more sense to me than the idea of "consensus politics".

      An American anarchist.

  6. BO: Get a haircut and a tailored suit.

    RP: Goddam, I look cool.
