Friday, February 20, 2015

It's Good They Changed Their Propaganda from Global Warming to Climate Change


  1. This map shows that it's cold in the East of the U.S. What are the temps in CA? Why has it consistently been in the 40s in Alaska in February? What about global temps versus historical norms? Why do banksters/Rothchilds own the Weather Channel? Why did the U.S. Air Force publish a document in the 1960s titled Owning the Weather by 2025? Why is the CIA suddenly accusing the Russians of using Geoengineering of the weather as a weapon? Irrespective of any consensus on global warming or climate change, The technology exists and some say is being used by TPTB to create "polar vortexes" via HAARP and jet stream manipulation in order to cool large population centers and the financial and political hubs in the East. Keeping the people divided and fighting over left/right paradigm issues may be just the propaganda purpose of this map.

    1. We are getting winter weather patterns where Alaska, CA, etc remain warm while much of the lower 48 are very cold that has happened many times before. On stevengoddard's blog he recently posted a 1934 map of winter temperatures. Looked much the same as today's. I remember this same pattern occurring in my childhood in the 70s and 80s. A whole lot of weather is happening, nothing more.

      As to weather manipulation, well of course they play with that, they play with all sorts of things. Being successful at it is another story.

  2. No, no RW. You'd don't get it. When it's real hot, it's AGW. When it's freezing cold, it's AGW. When it rains, it's AGW. When it's dry, it's AGW. Hurricanes? it's AGW. No hurricanes? it's AGW. Tornadoes? it's AGW. No tornadoes? it's AGW. Cows farting? it's AGW. Cows not farting? it's AGW.

    This is how these maggot liars and idiots operate.

    1. On NPR last fall I actually heard one of the commentators saying that although an increase of hurricanes is obviously caused by climate change, the last couple of years of mild hurricane seasons is also a sign of climate change!

    2. Alec c:

      Yup. Exactly what I said and mean. Maybe I should also add this....Polar icecaps shrinking? It's AGW. Polar icecaps growing? It's AGW.

      If the temperatures on other planets fluctuate? Well, it MUST be AGW. We're not at that level of stupidity yet but just wait....the Idiot Left will get there. LOL!

  3. It's possible for there to be incredibly cold winters but the average temperature on the earth to be warming. Local weather patterns don't seem to be relevant to the point.
