Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nobody Cares About Charles Koch's New Damn Book

I posted over at EPJ a neutral, just the facts, notice about a new Charles Koch book that is coming this October. It is the least visited post at EPJ year-to-date.

It has about as much media traction as the death notice of Alexander Grothendieck.



  1. Well R.I.P. Alexander Grothendieck.
    Sounds like a somewhat cool dude from what I just read about him.

  2. I think people in general are more often recognizing the difference between crony operators and true entrepreneurship/executive ability to run/expand a business.

    It's always a difficult topic, because many of these people were at one time successful without the aid/favoritism of government...but once they use gov't via their wealth to leverage control over people & competition, informed people lose interest and respect for them.

    I'd say most of your readers are more informed that the average.

  3. Guilty. Saw the headline, scrolled on.

  4. I'm actually interested in reading the book. I'd like to see how true free market he sounds in the book vs. reality. I actually don't know much about him, but he sounds like he's pretty crony in real life.

  5. I clicked on it hoping for some zingers from Bob. I was disappoint.
