Sunday, December 21, 2014

Video: The Frantic Aftermath of an NYPD Execution


  1. Talk about destroying a crime scene . . . .

  2. Mundanes shot in the same manner never get that kind of response.

  3. I thought New York's "strict gun control laws" would prevent things like this. No? Hmmmmmm.....

  4. Like she said, how did he pull it off with two officers on the separate sides of the vehicle?

  5. Those are your real rulers; not the politicians, professors, banksters or perverted philosophers. It's the gunslingers: a gang of parasitic, cowardly bullies who want to ride around on their lazy buts wearing guns in a world where others are not allowed to wear guns and where those disarmed others are forced to feed their lazy buts by means of an extortion racket called taxation. They want to kick in doors, shoot dogs and people and retire with full benefits. They love the war on drugs because it means they can treat other humans as property. How long, exactly, do they think this can go on?

    The end is nigh for both pigs and grunts. That the pigs are militarizing to be more like the grunts is a sign of the end times for both. Government gunslingers ARE the government. People who worry about venal politicians or Jewish bankers or 'liberal' professors miss the point that without these perverted thugs, the whole power structure would collapse in a day. Cops love being thugs and their only loyalty is to one another. They support the intellectual parasites who depend on them in order to deflect blame from themselves. Ask any pig about his evil and he will offer the Nuremberg finesse: I didn't think it up; I just get to force it on you.
