Sunday, December 21, 2014

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Calls for Strong U.S. Response to Sony Hack

Sony fails to properly take into consideration the risk of making a movie where the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is shown being blown up in the film, and fails to properly protect its computers against hackers, and so the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee wants to make it an international issue.

Committee chairman, Mike Rogers, on Fox News Sunday called for a "very serious" U.S. reaction, including sanctions.

There are risks in all kinds of business ventures. They should be calculated and dealt with by the companies involved in the ventures, no one else. I feel no personal urge to confront North Korea over it's possible role in the hacking of Sony, anymore than I feel a deep desire  to bailout an oil firm that miscalculates and drills a dry hole.

Government officials like to get in the middle of "injustices" to pretend they perform a useful function, so that they can coerce us in all kinds of unjust ways.

I fear Obama, Rogers and the rest of big government Washington D.C. much more than I fear Kim Jong-un.

For North Koreans, Kim Jong-un is a problem. We have our own problems here in the US and the hack of  Sony is simply a sideshow for US bad actors to pretend they are here to help.


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