Thursday, December 18, 2014

Please Pray for War

Yes, some evangelicals pray for war (On behalf of Israel). Is this why Rand is pro-Israel, to capture this Evangelical vote? -RW


  1. My father used to watch John Hagee occasionally years back. When I found out I warned him that Hagee was a war monger for israel and a no good pos hack. It must have made him watch a bit more critically after that because a few weeks later my dad tells me, "Wow, you were right he IS a war monger! I'm done watching him." It warmed my heart lol

  2. Christian zionism is heresy and leads to all sorts of sinfulness, like supporting torture, breaking most of the commandments, etc. Is there any doubt that a 'Christian' zionist would kill Jesus if he were against Israel on some matter? None at all.

  3. Way to go, Pastor Morrison. Lebensraum for Israel !
