Saturday, December 20, 2014

Does Michelle Obama Suffer From Early Onset Dementia?

By Victor J. Ward

In 2012, Michelle Obama said that a stranger came up to her while she was in Target and asked Obama to get detergent from the shelf.

In 2014, she claims that the lady asked her for help because the lady assumed that all Black women in a store must be working there. (It seems to me that if the woman had been a real racist, she would have assumed that Obama was a thief.)

One part of the story that has remained consistent is that Obama claims that she was unknown to the approaching woman in need of help.

Obama's story reminds me of a story of my own: In 2000, I was living with a couple of friends, and we were asked by our minister to provide temporary housing to someone that I'll call Geoff. The roommates and I agreed, and Geoff moved-in.

One night, I was meeting with a small group from church, and Geoff was invited. We were meeting at Barnes & Noble. I walked in, saw Geoff perusing the magazine aisle, said hello, and told him that everyone was going to meet in the cafe area.

Eventually, everyone came, with the exception of Geoff.

A couple of days later, I asked Geoff if he was ok. He said that he was deeply discouraged because the Russians had just captured a CIA agent. I asked him why that bothered him so much, and he said that when someone who was undercover got caught, it affected everybody in the Agency. I asked him what the heck he was talking about, and he said that he worked for the CIA.

When I finished laughing, he showed me a CIA business card. I still didn't believe him, but I wrote the phone number on a piece of paper. Later, when I went to a local restaurant to meet some friends, I decided to use a pay phone to call the number. The person on the other line said:

"Central Intelligence Agency."

I immediately hung-up and walked back to my table -- stunned.

As I started talking to people about Geoff, I learned that he had schizoaffective disorder, a disease similar to schizophrenia. Many people who suffer from this type of illness believe that they are part of an intelligence agency.

I told my then girlfriend (now wife) about Geoff's behavior, and she suggested that I talk to Beth. Beth really did work for the Secret Service.

When I called Beth, she told me that at some point in the 1990s when Bill Clinton was President, Geoff was relaxing on the Stanford campus. (Geoff did not go to Stanford.)

While Geoff was hanging-out, he saw Chelsea Clinton sit down on a bench. For some reason, Geoff decided to meet her. As Geoff approached, he was tackled by three or four Secret Service agents. They drug him away from Clinton, and they demanded to know why he was approaching the President's daughter.

Geoff said that he was with the Agency and used Beth as a reference. Of course, the agents knew Beth, but they had never heard of or seen Geoff.

They called Beth. Beth said that she knew Geoff, and that he had mental problems which made him think that he was an undercover spy. She vouched enough for him that the Secret Service let him go with a strong warning to never step foot on the campus again.

If that was how the Secret Service handled a person who approached Chelsea Clinton on a college campus, there is absolutely no way that a complete stranger is going to roll-up on the First Lady without being seriously checked by the Secret Service.

What is much more likely is that in 2012, the Obamas wanted to present the false image that they were a regular couple; just some ordinary joes who shop at Target.

In order to give this false impression, they had arranged for a woman to approach Mrs. Obama and ask for help. Mrs. Obama would claim that she was honored and touched to be treated like a regular citizen. After all, they are not part of the elite. They have to struggle from paycheck to paycheck, just like everyone else.

The problem is that in 2014, Mrs. Obama had forgotten about the sham. The only thing she remembered was that some woman dared to not recognize the First Lady. The horror. And, if someone did not recognize the FLOTUS, there could only be one reason why: Racism.

Victor J. Ward  first came across libertarianism by reading Murray Rothbard's Ronald Reagan: An Autopsy and Walter Block's Defending the Undefendable. He holds a law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law and an MBA from Santa Clara University.


  1. to be fair a lot of people who do actually do work for the spooks are crazy too.

  2. Does Michelle Obama Suffer From Early Onset Dementia?

    Noooo. But stay away from her, she's a carrier...

  3. I am a white guy and have been mistaken for the help in one form or another countless times, several times a year at least. Pretty sure that it wasn't racism that caused it.

    1. Spot on, Matt. Racism has nothing to do with this.

      When serving as a missionary for the Mormon Church in the early '90's, it was not at all uncommon for customers to walk up to us in a grocery (or other) store and ask for assistance.

      Why? When we were out in public, if we weren't wearing a suit, we wore a white dress shirt, tie, slacks, and dress shoes. If you didn't see our name tags, you could easily mistake us for the manager of the store.

  4. Sounds like she was having a Tawana Brawley moment. The key here is that if she had ever had truly racist experience she would have brought it up. Instead, she had to create one.
