Tuesday, November 4, 2014

If You Are A Voting Loser (Like Me), Here Is How You Should Vote

By Victor J. Ward

I admit it, I am a Voting Loser. Maybe it's my roots as a statist, but I will actually cast a ballot on election day. Yes, I realize that my vote doesn't really count. Yes, I realize that I am participating in a state run charade. But, I still do it.

If you are a Voting Loser like me, and you live in the banana republic that is California, here is a voting guide for you.

First, if you are trying to decide whom to vote for, here is the definitive way of doing that: If the person is an incumbent, do not vote for them. You can either write-in someone's name, or you can select someone that says they are a business person/entrepreneur.

If you select a person just because they say that they are a business person, you might get a statist. (In fact, you probably will get a statist.) But, you are still better off than one of the demicans or republicrats getting re-elected.

If you don't know of a name to write-in, feel free to use my name: Victor Ward. I'm considering running for office one day, so, it would be great to get a couple of votes. You can use my name for everything: Governor, State Superintendent, whatever.

There are several judges up for election. How should you vote?
Vote "No" on every single person. There are two people that should get the "HECK NO!" vote. I would call them out personally, but, my wife runs in their circles, so, calling them out as a flaming socialist/statist would prove difficult for her on the cocktail circuit. So, to make it easy on her, the safe bet is "No" on all.

On second thought, I can call out one guy: Goodwin Liu. Straight-up socialist of the highest order.

What should you do about the propositions? Again, the answer is simple: Vote no on every single proposition. Most of the propositions have something to do with bonds. In other words, the state wants to borrow/waste money. Considering that California has one of the highest tax brackets, and considering that California, like all governments, is wasteful and incompetent, you have to vote no on all bond requests.

Sometimes, the proposition sounds good. That is, the proposition will say: "We are going to take money from the General Fund and put it in a Rainy Day Fund." (In fact, this is Proposition 2 says .)

Please, please, please, do not believe the hype and the lie. These propositions tell you that the state is going to take from "Account A" and shift the money to "Account B." The reason that this is such a joke is because most people do not know what Account B is going to be used for.

In the present case, Proposition 2, the one with a Rainy Day Fund, says that the money in the account will be used to pay state liabilities. What counts as a state liability? Sure enough, teacher and public employee pensions.

The government knows that people don't know how the accounts are going to be used, so they make them sound good while continuing to enrich themselves off the backs of the tax payer. Statists are nothing but a bunch of lying, hypocritical thieves. (But I repeat myself.)

Again, vote no on every proposition.

The only time you should vote "Yes" on a proposition is if the proposition says the following: "This proposition eliminates the following governmental offices;" or, "This proposition reduces taxes by this amount;" or, "This proposition reduces the influence of the state in the following ways."

The language of the proposition must be short and sweet and it must say that it is going to reduce the reach and/or power of the government. (Even then, be very careful.) The more words, the more the state is trying to lie to you and to pull the wool over your eyes.

So, as a recap: Vote no on every proposition. Write-in "Victor Ward" for every office. If you don't feel comfortable writing my name, vote for anyone but an incumbent.

Thank you, and I approve of this message.

Victor J. Ward  first came across libertarianism by reading Murray Rothbard's Ronald Reagan: An Autopsy and Walter Block's Defending the Undefendable. He holds a law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law and an MBA from Santa Clara University.

1 comment:

  1. Back when I used to vote, there was a time I was living in a very small town that would print in the local paper every single vote cast, it's local voting process was pretty liberal and you could write in anything and have it counted.

    I remember the paper printing the result one year where the candidate choice was universally panned by the locals and when they printed the result, the votes included "Mickey Mouse", "Donald Dog", a local's fairly popular dog that everyone used to see him walk around town with...it was pretty funny.

    This was in 06' and I was just starting to push hard for Ron Paul at the time before I disengaged from politics because of the "performative contradiction" aspect of the NAP and political engagement...but in a way it was as illuminating as it was funny to me at the time.
