Friday, November 28, 2014

Frum's Ferguson Spin

By Chris Rossini

David ("Axis of Evil") Frum, found a way to spin the Ferguson story into this:

Yes, millions of peaceful gun owners are to blame for a government employee killing (not crippling) a teenager who did not have a gun. 

It's the other gun owners, and not "Blue Privilege".


  1. Honestly when I saw the title I was expecting Frum to somehow tie Ferguson with ISIS or whatever "Islamic threat" of the day is.

  2. Here is a picture and article from MSN that epitomizes Frum's attitude. Some people are better, stronger, smarter than others and the others should simply beg their betters to be treated kindly. It is pathetic and inhuman but seems to be the prevailing attitude.

    Here is a picture and article from MSN that epitomizes Frum's attitude. Some people are better, stronger, smarter than others and the others should simply beg their betters to be treated kindly. It is pathetic and inhuman but seems to be the prevailing attitude.
