Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cold Enchilada Incident Delays Tom Woods Response

As a follow up to my post A Question for Tom Woods, Tom emails:
Bob, as a matter of fact I was looking at this post while I was at a local taco shop in Topeka just tonight. An altercation ensued when let's call him a not very sophisticated customer began using foul language to complain about the fact that his enchiladas were cold. He turned to me, expecting me to be empathetic, but I told him he was behaving with very little class. This enraged him and he began making threats toward me. I continued to tell him that he was behaving in an appalling way and that everyone in the establishment knew it. So I temporarily forgot about the blog post. But I'll definitely write something in the comments sometime in the next 24 hours. I'm glad the that episode was interesting to you; it's an unusual topic for my show, but I had a feeling some people might find it worthwhile.


  1. was he drunk, high or just mentally challenged?

  2. Tom Woods is a scholar and gentleman. :)

  3. poor guy; probably can't cope for being vaccine compromised.

  4. I'd love to see TW just flip the fuck out on some bum.

    1. Seems like you are similar to the obnoxious one!

  5. I hate when my fucking enchiladas are cold

    1. So you were the obnoxious guy Tom was referring to?

  6. What kind of threats come from someone that's being told he's being an ass over a cold enchilada?

    "Hey, muthaf'er, this enchilada business is f'ing serious!"


    "Don't make me kick your ass too, I'll say whatever the hell I want over this bullshit. It's an enchilada for crying out loud! You don't "f" with a mans enchilada!"

    lol....sounds like a bad Quentin Tarantino movie to me.

    It sounds like he got to Woods a little bit to me if Woods forgot to post over it. You'd think a simple, "Dude, it's an enchilada." would(Wood?) have been enough. Where's the "First mover" when you need him? :) (ok, that's a low blow...but that's one reason I'm agnostic)

    Oh well, that's what Tom gets for trying to reason with crazy people.

    I've been guilty of the same myself from time to time.(sometimes it's hard to tell when people are generally rational or not...but the clues were there Tom! LMAO!)

    I'm also definitely sure I've genuinely been the crazy one myself from time to time. I could actually understand when Altucher commented once about throwing a chair out of a tall building over one of his businesses ventures
