Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cato's Principled Leader vs. A Real Principled Leader

By Chris Rossini

Remember "libertarian" Cato Institute's Principled Leader?

Well, yesterday, Christie had to deal with a lone heckler. Here's how The Boss responded to him:
“I’ve been here when the cameras aren’t here, buddy, and done the work. I'm glad you had your day to show off, but we're the ones who are here to actually do the work,” Christie said. "So listen, you want to have the conversation later, I’m happy to have it, buddy. But until that time, sit down and shut up.”
The Cato Institute really hitched its wagon to a star.

Let's now contemplate another leader, but not one who heads up a violent gang. This person was (and remains) a champion of peace and liberty. He had to put up with thousands of hecklers at one time while on the debate stage. Even the debate moderators were against him.

You know the leader I'm referring to right?

Cato's leader couldn't handle a single heckler without blowing his top.

Ron Paul handled a never-ending barrage of slings and arrows. And he continues to confront them today like a Saint.

That's the "power of principled leadership'".


  1. Good article, Rossini!! And good reminder. It was Ron Pauls' message and truth that fired liberty-loving individuals up around the world. But it was his courageous composure during the heckling and the moderators' short shrift that said this truth-telling hero gave us the courage. It's Ron's great bravery, standing visibly against so many enemies to peace and prosperity, that gave so many the courage not only to adopt a minarchist or stateless position but to illustrate how productive folks are the true leaders. Great point here, "Ron Paul handled a never-ending barrage of slings and arrows. And he continues to confront them today like a Saint."

  2. Great write up Chris.

    Though I've abandoned the idea of making change via government(and even holding the concept of gov't valid), I still look at Ron Paul as a role model in many other ways, especially concerning how to interact with people that hold views not only opposite of my own, but views that I find distasteful.

    I have much work to do on this front, especially in terms of remaining gentlemanly at times when interacting with people whom I disagree when they are being disagreeable, but it's good to get the reminder of how to win people over by being gracious like Ron Paul.

    I know of people drawn to Ron Paul not over his intellectual arguments, but because of his calm under pressure(most of the time) and gracious attitude towards those who do not deserve it.(in my mind, that might be part of my own deficiency)

    I will continue to try to improve myself in that regard using Ron Paul as a model and your write up is a great reminder of Ron Paul's ability to lead people intellectually.
