WashingtonPost reports:
Tens of thousands of federal workers are being kept on paid leave for at least a month — and often for longer stretches that can reach a year or more — while they wait to be punished for misbehavior or cleared and allowed to return to work, government records show.Those 57,000 are better off at home, rather than hassling the rest of us. However, that three-quarters of a billion dollars belongs back in our pockets.
During a three-year period that ended last fall, more than 57,000 employees were sent home for a month or longer. The tab for these workers exceeded $775 million in salary alone.
What a racket the parasites have going.
Chris Rossini is author of Set Money Free: What Every American Needs To Know About The Federal Reserve. Follow @chrisrossini on Twitter.
Think about how much more expensive it would be for us taxpayers if they were at work.