Thursday, May 6, 2021

President of Azerbaijan Slaps Down BBC Reporter Over Treatment of Julian Assange

Ilham Aliyev, the president of Azerbaijan, knows how to deal with establishment media who act as puppets for the global elitists.

This is impressive:

Why don't we see American politicians confront the establishment media this way?



  1. The worst dictator and murderer should give us lessons on democracy? What is wrong with you! Robert? First admiration for putin now aliev. These guys are criminals. They are stealing from their own people. I thought you are a well read and educated person. Are you a kgb asset? This is just abomination to put this face on your site. You should apologize in front of all thepeople who are loosing their life in fight against these criminals.

  2. The worst dictator and murderer should give us lessons on democracy? What is wrong with you! Robert? First admiration for putin now aliev. These guys are criminals. They are stealing from their own people. I thought you are a well read and educated person. Are you a kgb asset? This is just abomination to put this face on your site. You should apologize in front of all thepeople who are loosing their life in fight against these criminals.
