Saturday, April 24, 2021

Oh Yeah, The COVID Oppression Counter-Revolution!!

 Caution, justifiable angry language.



  1. TRUTH! The youth of this nation needs to see this. As mask mandate has been dropped here, the only bare faces are on older folks; the rest still embrace them for the most part.

  2. Say AMEN somebody!!! The BEST post of the year!!!


  3. Quite possibly the only thing of value to have ever come out of Tik Tok.

  4. I go look at these (and the pastor above) on twitter just to see if the ratios are changing. And they are. Big time. People have had enough. About time...

  5. Ive been the only maskless person in the gym since they mandated them in nevada. I used the medical condition excuse. Today a young guy in the gym said to me... "Let's all take our masks off, there's power in numbers". A couple others took theirs off. I said to him ive been trying to start a mask revolution for a year, get onboard! The tide has shifted, covid is cooked.

  6. Much appreciation for posting this Robert. I'm glad to see that others have had enough with this BS.

  7. Same for licenses and taxes.
    There are two types of people in this world. The type who wants to be left alone and the type who won't leave people alone.
