Wednesday, April 14, 2021

LAPD is Force-Vaccinating Mentally Disabled People



  1. A people that does not speak up for the most vulnerable and weakest members of society is a people who have lost their soul and conscience. Remember - our Founders made clear that this Republic cannot stand without an educated and moral populace. The best thing you can do as an individual right now is to refuse to comply with illegal edicts. Exercise your God-given inalienable Constitutional Rights under Law peacefully regardless of what the Satanic Branch Convidian 1984 Face Diaper Cult says.

  2. They think we are all mentally retarded and treat us as such.

    The clapping and cheering reminded me of the Cuomo news conference a few weeks back when that lady said we should a a neon informed consent and just roll up our sleeves.

    They are pulling back the curtains. Tyranny is here.

  3. Somewhere in Hell, Herr Doctor Mengele is smiling approvingly.

  4. May God damn order-followers.

  5. Arent they aware force vaccinating some individuals will lead to a terminal lead injection? I wonder.
