Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Nigel Farage Becomes a For-Profit Tree Hugger

 Nigel Farage

Well, this is a bizarre one.

In his first move since leaving elected politics, Nigel Farage has joined Dutch Green Business.

According to the company, he will be advisor and general council to the Board of Directors and Fargae’s role is to facilitate introductions to politicians and business leaders in the UK and around the world.

How much more crony can you get?

Dutch Green's website states:

DGB solves the very practical and real challenges of man’s symbiosis and relationship with trees to harness free market forces and the access to capital needed to rapidly accelerate the reforestation of earth. 

The scale of global reforestation that needs to be undertaken in the coming years is almost unimaginable but it represents an exciting opportunity for the capital markets and for private individuals. We will not only resolve one of the last remaining barriers to our survival here, restoring balance to continued life on earth, but will act in great service to all life and to the Creator.

This sounds more like a crony climate-change operation than it does a free market operation.

The company lists as a "partner" The Sustainable Development Goals, which is a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030.

Farage said of his appointment, " I am very excited to be joining DGB who are on a mission to save our forests, plant millions of trees and harness the burgeoning carbon offset market which is rapidly transforming the financial dynamics of the green arena. I know I can make a real difference to the speed and progress of this ambitious business which is delivering unique free market, nature based solutions.”


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