Tuesday, March 23, 2021

HEROIC: All Passengers Leave a Plane After Family Told to Leave Plane Because Child Wouldn't Wear Mask

We have come a long way since the days of "Fly the Friendly Skies."

Government regulations have emboldened the midget-Maos in the airline industry to become midget-authoritarians.

It is good to see some pushback.

-RW (ht Chris Rossini)


  1. As the father of a two year old girl, I hope but doubt Americans would do the same for me.

  2. Looks like some sort of collectivism at work. Lolbertarians hate collectivism. Also, it would seem to be a poor economic decision to purchase a ticket knowing the airlines require a mask and then not utilizing the ticket because the mandate is enforced.

    1. This comment has it exactly backwards. The imposition of the rule that everyone, even young children, must wear a mask, is the collectivism, and the voluntary protest against it that certainly had costs for those participating is heroic.

      The comment below that complains that the passengers didn't draw the line at some earlier point is also reprehensible. These people took a stand against tyranny and you're going to tell them they're doing it wrong?

  3. Really?! The passengers have no objection to the TSA-like searches. Their complete forced disarmament? Their forced wearing of masks? Their treatment as guilty until proven innocent? Despite this treatment they gladly file onto the train...oh excuse me I mean plane. But they draw the line at the requirement that a two-year old must wear a mask? This is where they draw a line in the sand?! This might be as good as it gets, but it sounds like the inconsistent rantings of mass hysteria not heroism.

    1. I could care less the generator of mass non-compliance. All non compliance is good non-compliance.

      People can remarkable things when pushed far enough.

  4. For the people commenting about the absurdity of people agreeing to wear their masks but drawing the line at the cruel treatment of the children, I think the idea here is that we all understand that there is a certain amount of 'going through the motions' that is required to comply with rules in our crazy society, but when some midget-Mao decides to enforce the rule to the letter that's a step too far. For example, people generally comply with paying their taxes - but if everyone got a thorough audit every year demanding receipts for every penny of deductions, you'd see a lot more resistance.

  5. I do enjoy this discussion group. But I cannot agree that my comment was "reprehensible." Which means it should be held back, or disapproved of or even censured (according to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary). Heroic action is "marked by courage and daring and of impressive size, power and effect." I don't believe this describes the action of the people on the airplane. They were annoyed and perhaps disgusted with the airline's insistence on the child being masked. This final act perhaps the straw that broke the camel's back, but the reaction was not heroic.

    I didn't say the action wasn't good or kind but in this age where every little act of kindness is considered heroic, where so-called first responders are considered heroic just for showing up to work, its time we held the word heroic to a higher standard. Otherwise we are just "going through the motions" and that is no way to live.

    1. Not heroic? Cool it with the antisemitism please.

    2. You are mistaken Mr. Hansen. I was referring to a state of mind which occurs in all races. One that results in emotional, knee-jerk reactions like those people on the plane and like your message to me. I referenced the terrible train rides during WWII because it Is a dramatic example of the mindset observed on the plane and throughout the world today. If decades before WWII the people of Germany had given more thought to their acceptance of the initiation of force in their lives, the train rides to death and destruction would not have occurred. Instead they accepted years of force with blind emotion which resulted in mass hysteria.
      This same mindset is prevalent today. People in the U.S. who gave no thought to using the force of truancy laws and the coercion of taxes to open public schools see them shut-down with this same arbitrary use of force. And now clamor for them to be forced to open! Businesses were closed, jobs lost and social lives abandoned as people thoughtlessly accepted the use of coercion. People answer this current tragedy with more force! From social distancing to masks, to more lock-downs, to testing, to vaccines (created by edict with loot from taxation). The initiation of force and its irrational acceptance seems everywhere and the results are uniformly disastrous.
      Without rational thought, our emotions are not consistent with reality. We overreact to minor threats (like covid-19) and overlook major dangers (accepting coercion in many aspects of our lives).
      Clamoring to exit the plane while remaining masked is an emotional response that will change little, but if the passengers had simply remained in their seats and removed their masks that might have made all the difference.

    3. Great points in all of your articles. I wish we had more rational thinking people like you. Have a good day sir.

  6. God Bless ALL of the passengers! It is time to stand up for our freedom!!! I am so proud of you Israel!!!

  7. Would this have occurred with a diverse group of passengers? Never. Diversity is not a strength, it is a weapon against white nations.

  8. I never could make a two year old wear a hair bow even, half the time they weren't even wearing clothes.
