Wednesday, March 17, 2021

CNN Medical Analyst Calls for Limiting Freedoms to Those Who Have Not Been Vaccinated

Leana  Wen has fatal conceit on steroids.

She really wants to force decisions on everyone based on her view of how the country (the world?) should be centrally planned.

Wen, a physician, an op-ed columnist with The Washington Post and a CNN medical analyst, appeared on CNN recently and essentially said that reverting to post-COVID-19 freedom should be used as a carrot for only those that have been vaccinated.

Wen was the president of Planned Parenthood from November 12, 2018 – July 16, 2019. According to The Washington Post, she was forced out of her position after only eight months in a dispute over her management style and the direction of the organization.

She is currently in a new busybody, central planning position as a Distinguished Fellow in the Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity.

The stated goals of the workforce is pure social justice warrior central planning:

​Reversing patterns of inequity and building social mission back into the health care and health policy professions is the leading health challenge of the 21st century and is a core mission of the Mullan Institute. That mission begins with opportunity, selection, education, and training at the beginning of the health professions life cycle. 


(ht Victor Ward and Martin Hill)


  1. Logical outcome.

    I already have neighbors - fully vaccinated neighbors - asking me if and when I am getting jabbed. I always smile and say at some point.

    Because at some point I will be forced to.

    1. All this social pressure to get vaccinated does not compute. The only person that benefits from the "vaccine" is the person who gets it, as the mRNA vaccine does not give immunity; it just improves patient outcome if one gets infected. You can still get infected and be contagious.

    2. "At some point", namely gunpoint.

    3. You should reply "Don't you have confidence in the fact that you've been vaccinated?"

    4. I kinda wish this blog had a like or thumbs up button, because I would be giving these comments the thumbs up.

    5. How about telling these "neighbors" to mind their own "effin" business? Or do you fear they'll inform on you to the US latter-day "Stasi"?

  2. And here's an Asian chick you should listen to instead of this one:

  3. It's almost like most Asians have a collectivist viewpoint; like how they use their family name first instead of their given name. It seems they tend to see the individual as less important than their family, clean or people. But that's all fake because there is no such thing as culture and the USA needs to eliminate its borders to allow more people like this to come here because freedom.

    1. Asia never went through any sort of Enlightenment. In fact, just the opposite in the 20th century.

      Some of the smarter posters will know the name of the 'social phenomenon' amongst many Asians: they have to be around throngs of people. For instance, when going on vacation, Asians rarely go to isolated places. Just the opposite. They go to large cities, and they go in large groups.

      It truly is a hive mind.

  4. At this point, anytime you see a headline with the CDC making any kind of recommendation, you can simply translate it to mean this:

    CDC: Here's more total bullshit we're bribed by Big Pharma and Bill Gates to smear in your face in order to scare you into taking our toxic crap

    1. Yesterday the president of the company for which my son-in-law works announced a 50 dollar reward to employees who get the jab.

    2. True capitalism would save the shekels and simply make it a condition of employment.

    3. Wow, $50! At the rate the Fed is printing money, that $50 might be good for a pack of gum at the checkstand.

      The company I work for hasn't yet mandated the vaccine, but some of the wording I'm seeing in their messages suggest that they're headed that way.

  5. So the so-called doctor in charge of the murdering operation called Planned Parenthood now wants to try to save people?

  6. "Citizens! Your rights shall be returned to you once you've performed as instructed."
