Friday, February 19, 2021

Cuomo is Losing It Under the Pressure

Andrew Cuomo

Now even Democrats are piling on against the Democratic governor of New York.

AOC just called for an investigation of  Andrew Cuomo administration's handling of nursing homes during the COVID-19 panic:

The New York Post reports:

A defensive Gov. Andrew Cuomo went on a 15-minute rant Friday in which he vowed to counter what he claimed were “lies” and “misinformation” about his handling of nursing homes amid the COVID-19 pandemic — and accused his critics of “causing pain” to the relatives of residents killed by the disease.

During a virtual news conference from Albany, Cuomo said, “I’m not going to let you hurt New Yorkers by lying about what happened. Surrounding the death of a loved one.”...

His remarks, which appeared to have been scripted and were accompanied by slides reinforcing his message, came a day after the New York Law Journal reported that the FBI and the Brooklyn US Attorney’s Office had launched a probe of his COVID-19 task force in the wake of The Post’s report.

A snippet:  

And it sounds like he is trying to intimidate New York state elected government officials:

He's done. It is only a matter of how long he twists in the wind. 



  1. I would like to think that he is done but never forget that Cuomo’s are Demi royalty in this country because of the Don of the crime family Mario and we currently live under an occupation regime that is at least aligned with BabyDoc ideologically. Do not be surprised when he walks, then is rehabbed politically.This is the same guy who should have been taken out for good with the Fanny and Freddie BS and yet he gets a few turns at governor and even writes a book and gets a freakin EMMY.
    What actually should happen is he be tried for Manslaughter and put in prison for the appropriate time period.
    Highly unlikely.
    Mark my words he will at one point make a run for President and he will make it into the primary season.

    1. You are SO CYNICAL!!!!
      And probably correct...:(

  2. I think that is a shrewd move by AOC. She smells blood in the water and will earn points from both sides for helping take him down.

  3. Yet we are to believe Trump 'killed 200,000' by some imaginary inaction.

    I hope Cuomo gets thrown into a slammer or worse. He did genuinely murder people with his stupidity and Trump even sent a Navy ship to assist. Say what you will about Trump, but I do think he genuinely wanted to some constructive things though it's regrettable he listened to the criminal fraud Fauci.

    1. Although I hate everything you ever said (not really), I completely agree with you here.
