Monday, January 25, 2021

EXPOSED: Why Big Pharma Beneficiaries are Behind the Transgender Movement

Last week Wednesday, less than 24 hours after being sworn in as president, Joe Biden signed the Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.

Among other things, this is the EO that orders males be allowed to play in girls' sports and use female locker rooms and bathrooms:

Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports... because how they dress does not conform to sex-based stereotypes.

So why the hell was Biden so anxious to sign this bill, probably before he even had the chance to use his private White House bathroom?

It turns out there is a big pharma angle.

At The American Conservative, investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek provides the background in an article titled, How LGBT Nonprofits And Their Billionaire Patrons Are Reshaping The World.

From the essay:

Many of the most important philanthropists behind the transgender and gender-identity movements stand to make huge profits from body dissociation and the commoditization of human sex into medical identities.

Take Martine Rothblatt, a self-described transsexual and transhumanist who was the first individual to create a legal document supporting the idea that feelings of dissociation from our sexed bodies is normal. This legal document, later to become the International Gender Bill of Rights, legally normalizes body dissociation. Rothblatt later went on to become the top earning CEO in the biopharmaceutical industry, using his money and influence to promote the ideology and normalization of transgenderism. He believes that sexual dimorphism is morally equivalent to South African apartheid and must be dismantled.

Jennifer Pritzker, along with his family, one of the wealthiest in the United States, has poured huge sums of money into American institutions in order to advance the concept of body dissociation under the euphemism of “gender identity.” The Pritzker family has made vast investments in the medical industrial complex.

In 2000, another billionaire, Jon Stryker, heir to a multi-billion-dollar medical corporation, created another mammoth LGBT NGO, the Arcus Foundation. Stryker created such a global goliath of philanthropic funding with the stocks from his medical corporation that he had to create another organization to keep track of it all. In 2006 Arcus funded the creation of MAP, or Movement Advancement Project, to track the complex system of advocacy and funding that had already developed as a way of insinuating gender identity and transgender ideology into the culture.

Arcus deploys millions of philanthropic dollars each year to filter gender identity and transgender ideology into American law through their training of leaders in political activism, political leadership, transgender law, religious liberty, education, and civil rights. Some of its favored organizations include the Victory Fund, the Center for American Progress, the ACLU the Council for Global Equality, the Transgender Law Center, Trans Justice Funding Project, OutRight Action International, Human Rights Watch, the United Nations, Amnesty International, and GLSEN. In fact, Arcus is recorded to have given more than $58.4 million to programs and organizations doing LGBT-related work between 2007 and 2010  alone (it is far more than that now), making it the largest LGBT funder in the world. Jon Stryker gave over $30 million to the foundation himself in that period, through his stock in Stryker Medical Corporation.

Translation: A medical corporation with a vested interest in encouraging people to identify as transgender is directly funneling money and assets to its philanthropic foundation so that the foundation will do that encouraging on its behalf, thereby bringing more money and more clients (for life) to that corporation...

It is striking that this conflict of interest has been so little discussed. Even the American Psychological Association (APA), the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 118,000 members, is funded by Arcus philanthropy. In 2005 the APA created INET, to help member psychological organizations improve the well-being of sexual orientation and “gender diverse people.” Prior to the addition of gender identity and the arrival of Arcus money, the APA INET was solely focused on LGB issues. In 2008 the APA created the Task Force On Gender Identity and Gender Variance, and in 2015 it developed guidelines to assist psychologists in the provision of culturally competent, developmentally appropriate, and trans-affirmative psychological practice with “transgender” and “gender non-conforming” people. Psychologists were “encouraged“ to modify their understanding of gender, broadening the range of variation viewed as healthy and normative.

Those close to power push power to work for their interests regardless of how bizarre they are, especially when there is a buck in it.

According to Business Insider, the cost of transgender medical treatments can add up to more than $100,000. Even at this dollar amount though, it doesn't appear the number of transgenders at this time justify the push, unless the push is to eventually really boost the number under transgender treatments.




  1. $100k is just the start, a lifetime of daily artificial hormones will cause a myriad of other chronic conditions.

    1. Only for about half of them, as the other half usually kill themselves.

  2. Riddle me this, no need for concern, what kind of books did those mean Nazis burn?

    Clue: Google Magnus Hirschfeld...better yet use duck duck go to avoid censorship from the "European-style socialists."

  3. I know there is a monetary incentive there, but I have a hard time accepting that this is the primary incentive for the transgender movement. It is so bizarre, that I think it is more likely that pharma is just exploiting the opportunity.

    1. Their actual motivation is the destruction of this country. You'll notice they don't push this narrative everywhere.

    2. It's all tied up in postmodernism, anti-absolutes, anti-Christianity, anti-individual freedom...

  4. John Carpenter hit the nail on the head when he made "They Live".

  5. Transgenderism is a mental disease

  6. Just what we need: Even more mentally-unbalanced people joining the military. Just add some weapons of mass-destruction, then extremely stressful conditions, and liberal amounts of PTSD...and voila!---we've created a psychopathic mass-murderer roaming the streets when their tour of duty is over.

  7. Look at the ear lobes of Joe Biden on this picture, his swearing in picture and of his early senate pictures. I cannot explain the difference.

  8. "Philanthropists" profiting from their "philanthropy"?

    Just call them for what they are: psychopaths. There is no philanthropy in profiting from mutilating mentally ill people.
