Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Socialist Disaster That May Result Because of Libertarian Party Members in Georgia

As things currently stand for the 2021-22 US Senate, there are two independents that would vote with the 46 Democratic members and 48 Republican members.

North Carolina appears to be headed for a Tom Tillis (Republican) victory. That would leave Republicans with 49 members. And Alaska also appears headed to the Republicans putting the GOP count at 50.

The only races not determined will be the two Georgia races where a 50% majority is required for victory, otherwise, there is a runoff.  And runoffs appear in the cards. Republicans need 51 members which means they need one of the Georgia seats to control the Senate. 

So why didn't Republicans in the Georgia races go over 50%?

Blame libertarians for at least one of the races in Georgia.

In the regular race, Republican Dave Perdue leads Democrat John Ossoff, 49.8% to 47.9%. The rest of the votes went to Libertarian Paty candidate Shane Hazel who got 2.3% of the vote. 

Those who voted for the Libertarian Hazel broke Walter Block's Voting Rule which is that in close races you vote for the major party candidate that is less evil. In races that aren't close, you cast a protest vote for the Libertarian Party candidate.

There couldn't be a more critical "less evil" distinction than the US Senate Georgia races. If Democrats control the Senate (and Biden is president) by gaining both seats, the entire Democratic lefty agenda will be able to pass without a majority Republican Senate to block it. (Harris would vote in favor of the Democrats to break deadlocks.)

Now, you would think that in a runoff, the Hazel votes will go to Perdue and that will put him over the top but the Democrats are putting on a major push to register new voters for the January runoff.

The lefty Berkeley professor Robert Reich, for example, has already tweeted this out:

The Democrats need to make up roughly 200,000 votes if you count Libertarian votes going to Perdue. It is a tall number for Democrats to add to their side of the runoff but Democrats seem to be good at conjuring up votes when they have the time.  

The second Georgia Senate runoff race will be between Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democratic Rev. Raphael Warnock. This initial race had a larger field and the Libertarian candidate did not play as significant a role, however, the same battle will play out. But it is the Perdue-Ossoff race where a runoff wouldn't have been necessary if libertarian voters in the state had followed the Walter Block Voting Rule that is the troubling libertarian vote.

Thanks to libertarians who voted for Hazel, Republicans will have to battle two races in Georgia rather than one. And that added battle is very important. You would think that the Republican and Democratic votes will run the same way in both races but the attacks will come in different ways for each race so it will require double the Republican effort against a Democratic Party that lives and breathes by the motto, "By any means necessary."



  1. Such a crazy time. All of the sudden, our vote does matter, in certain states at least. Us Californians are screwed.

    1. Look at the bright side. At least you don't live in Illinois.

  2. Well hey, if the Democrats get a majority and vote to give an auto citizenship to all those illegal aliens, think of all of the 'muh cheap labor' you libertardians are going to allegedly enjoy. They might even import more of those violent folks from the 'religion of peace' and we know how libertarian they are historically.

    1. Everyone knows that as soon as you cross the US border the magic dirt turns you into an ancap.

    2. I'm very sympathetic to more freedom viewpoint, but the reality the vast majority of the human population is too stupid for freedom. And the LP really needs to drop this open border every culture is equal BS. LP has really gone down hill since Harry Browne passed away.

      Jacon Hornberger is one of these open borders morons like RW. I'm sure he is someone you can do business with in an ethical way, but this kind of stupidity is why I cant' vote libertarian.

      Besides, if anyone here really listens to local conservatives, not poop heads like Hannity or Rush all the time, the vast majority of listeners really hate the Republican Party but fear the dumbassery of the left even more. Michael Savage has some interesting views as well, and he tries to think some things through as well.

  3. Libertarians suck -- they are brain dead useless with theories that are generally half wit/ridiculous but they help get Leftists/Communists into Office so they are a very bad joke instead of just a joke

  4. Libertarians chastising libertarians for voting Libertarian. Well, at least this is entertaining. Let the games begin!

  5. How do you know the Libertarian votes didn't draw from the left because of the lib stance on open borders and drug legalization?

    1. You completely miss the point. It doesn't matter why someone voted libertarian in Georgia. Do you seriously think the open borders question and national legalization of drugs are the most important issues if the democrats get to control the senate and ran through a major socialist agenda?

    2. You're assuming that all the Libertarian votes would have gone to the republican if there was no Libertarian candidate in the race. I don't think it is so cut and dried, since some come to libertarianism from the left.

  6. Had there been no runoff law in Georgia, a Democrat would have been declared winner. 49.8% is pretty close to 50%. 1% of both the Republican and Democratic voters who voted, voted for a Libertarian candidate, according to exit polls. Any Democrat or a Republican could call for voters to vote for their respectful candidate. The fact that not all Republican and Democratic voters this way, shows that they must have found at least some fault with their respectful candidate. Rather than blaming the voters for not voting Republican (or Democrat, depending one one's preferences), a better idea would be for both major party candidates to reach out to the Libertarian candidate to see if any of them would support any of the Libertarian candidate's proposals, in order to appeal to the supporters of the Libertarian candidate. Both Republicans and Democrats can register voters for next year. A healthy competition would be a good thing. Also, Democrat John Ossoff is no Bernie Sanders. I just don't see Biden turning all of a sudden into a full-blown Bernie Sanders, with every single Democrat abandoning the Democratic "centrist" establishment and turning into Bernie Sanders, as well.

  7. RW,

    Two counterpoints.

    1. By what method would these Libertarian voters have known the race would be so contested? Polling shows a wide disparity of outcomes and accuracies in every race. Without being able to objectively quantify IN ADVANCE what is a close race, this is an exercise in hindsight. Furthermore, without an objective metric to use as a benchmark, literally any race could be claimed likely close enough that libertarians need to vote R (or D or whatever is least evil that week.

    2. The only people responsible for the outcome of an elected candidate's position are the voters of THAT candidate. This is a logical outgrowth of point 1, that it can't be the responsibility of the non-supporting voters to game the system.

    Warm regards,
    David B.

  8. By what objective metric can a libertarian know before the election that a race is close? This is hindsight scolding.

    Personal responsibility. If an elected official screw everything up the only people responsible are the one who voted for him.

    David B.

  9. "Vote republican to avoid socialism" is sime kind of stupid. The big danger of the coming years is the reascendance of the neo-cons and the expansion of the wars.

  10. The Libertarian Party began because of POS presidents like Nixon, and his final severing of the gold standard. The GOP continues to run on small government claims yet govern like democrats. They continue to run completely horrible candidates at all levels, who increase government power, spending, taxing, etc. Were the GOP what they actually claimed, the Libertarian party would have little to no support. Want to blame anyone for the large numbers the Libertarian Party receives.....BLAME THE REPUBLICANS!!!!

  11. Everyone misses the point. It’s the “majority rules” concept that is the problem. Everything should be privately owned and the main question would then be “who’s property is it? Then, whoever owns the property would decide what happens. You wouldn’t state borders. All property would have private borders.
