Monday, November 30, 2020

Psychiatrist: I have to remind myself that when I’m out in public, my assumption is that any person that I run into is insane

By Becky Akers

 America is on the verge of being “lost” because many of its citizens are suffering from a “delusional psychosis” and so fearful that they are turning on each other to enforce “nonsensical” coronavirus restrictions…

That analysis came from a “child and adolescent psychiatrist in private practice in West Los Angeles[,] Dr. Mark McDonald,” last month “during the virtual Truth Over Fear Summit organized by Catholic broadcaster Patrick Coffin.”

He added, 

We don’t need a police force. We don’t need a secret Stasi to go after the neighbor that isn’t wearing his mask on a park bench. We have families who are willing to do that”…

The “driving force of the coronavirus pandemic and the hysteria” around it is fear, McDonald said at the summit.

This fear has now “grown and become so entrenched that it has reached a state of what I would call delusional psychosis. A delusion is a fixed false belief that is contrary to reality …

“Fear has become a new virtue. Never before in the history of this country have we told people that fear is good,” or to “settle into” those fears and allow them “to control and constrain your life,” said McDonald, who spoke at the American Front Line Doctors White Coat Summits in July and October.

Moreover, Americans “who are either afraid, or who have been fed lies and misinformation for months now, have grown to not only feel afraid, but also to believe that what they are being told is true, which is primarily that all of us are at equal risk of catching a virus and dying from it,” McDonald said.

“This is demonstrably untrue. It is a lie, in fact. And we’ve known that it’s a lie for about six months, and yet people have come to believe it. …

“So the end result of this: what appears to me is a country which is using its own citizens as a de facto police force, very similar to communist China, that has a social point system in place where neighbor informs on neighbor, family informs on family,” he said.

“This has a terribly damaging effect on our society.”

But such a grand effect for Our Rulers.

We can all empathize with the doctor’s next remarks:

So widespread and so rooted is this delusional psychosis that “when I leave my home or leave my office every day, I have to prepare myself for the inevitable experience of what I would call the ‘outdoor insane asylum,’” McDonald said.

The experience “reminds me of my time that I spent in residency where I would go through a locked unit door, the door shut behind me, and I’d have to remind myself that anyone not wearing a badge behind that door is crazy,” added McDonald.

“Now I have to do the same when I’m out in public, because my assumption is that any person that I run into is insane.”

The above originally appeared at LRC.

RW note: Most of the country is suffering from dread risk fear.


  1. We are in a world wide Asch Conformity Experiment:

    As Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner sang:
    Men go crazy in congregations
    But they only get better
    One by one

  2. "Humans are arrant screwballs of the worst sort."--Albert Ellis
