Saturday, November 21, 2020

Anti-AOC: GOP Congresswomen-Elect Want to Form A Republican 'Squad' Called 'The Force'

Maria Elvira Salazar


Florida GOP Congresswoman-elect Maria Elvira Salazar is seeking to form her own version of "the Squad" with Republican first-term members of Congress, according to NBC News.

“I want to create a force within my freshman class that will have to be reckoned with. A force of reason, a force for freedom, a force for democracy,” Salazar told NBC News.

"The Force" has also been embraced by newcomers like Nicole Malliotakis (R) and Victoria Spartz (R) and seeks to dismantle what it views as "democratic socialism," reports The Hill.

“I grew up in a socialistic country, the Socialist Republic of Ukraine," Spartz told Fox News. "I saw what happens when it runs out of money and it is not pretty. And now we’re building socialism. I’m kind of going full circles. I can tell you what is going to be next. It’s very sad for me to see that.”

“When I hear this democratic socialism that is being presented within the Democratic Party, I can only tell you that only brings misery, oppression and exile. And how do I know? Because I have lived it and I have covered it,” Salazar, a Cuban American, said.

Salazar beat incumbent Donna Shalala in Florida’s 27th Congressional District.

Thank you, Florida!



  1. "A force of reason, a force for freedom, a force for democracy..."

    -- This type of slogan makes me wince. Democracy is the antithesis of reason and freedom. It makes me believe that any benefit from The Force might be ephemeral. But I hope that I'm terribly wrong.
