Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Steve Bannon: More Dirt Coming Out On Joe Biden in the Next 24 to 48 Hours

Joe Biden

 One very dirty politician is being exposed.

And note well how mainstream media is trying to protect the politician, Joe Biden.

Of course, every libertarian knows, or should know, that it is the creation of points of government power centers that allow for the opportunity for such corruption.

Take government power away and this kind of corruption ends. Keep the power centers and the corruption will continue with new bad actors replacing the old bad actors.

As F.A. Hayek warned us: "The worst get to the top," when it comes to government power.

Biden is a prime example. There are many, many more. The only reason Biden is being exposed is because of his erratic crackhead son who was put in charge of some of the bribery operations.



  1. During Biden's VP period, did Hunter have Secret Service protection 24/7 - including when traveling abroad?

  2. As F.A. Hayek warned us: "The worst get to the top," when it comes to government power.

    It's such a contrast to the fine people the free market gives us such as Zuckerberg and Soros.

    1. The free market has and does give us plenty of fine people. At least 7 billion of them, freely engaging in the market exchanging this for that, every single day, billions of fine people contribute to the free market. As far as Soros and Zuckerberg, the free market didn’t give them to us, as the free market doesn’t “give” anything.

    2. You: The free market has and does give us plenty of fine people.

      Also you: ...the free market didn’t give them to us, as the free market doesn’t “give” anything.
