Thursday, October 1, 2020

Scott Adams: Trump Has Lost My Vote

Well, I don't vote so Trump never had my vote to lose and there are plenty of other much more serious things that bother me about Trump beyond flubbing a debate question. -RW


  1. I'm with you; what a strange thing to dump Trump on. Not Yemen, not NATO funding, not sanctions on Iran, not declaring a national emergency, not encouraging mad money printing.

  2. You still have to wonder, as did I and everyone else I talked to: Why would Trump NOT denounce the KKK?

    He could have mentioned that Democrats began it. Instead he mumbled and changed the subject. Like Scott Adams said, he left money on the table — along with you and me.

    1. Not that I know of. Which would mean there was little or no risk in denouncing it.

    2. Yeah, there is. It's all FBI, though. Need to keep old hobgoblins alive.

  3. Scott got butt hurt because he thinks his hypnosis skills and coffee drinking skills are SO persuasive. Typical Boomer. It was obvious Trump didn't watch any of Scott's debate advice.

  4. Oh lighten the hell up.
    Anyone who actually thinks Trump or Biden or whomever wins in November will make ANY positive difference to America is so galactically gullible and/or stupid it is laughable.

    1. McRocket. You literally knocked that one into outer space. 2 thumbs up.

  5. I don't normally quote Ann Coulter, but she had an interesting take here:
