Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Questions to Ask Politicians

Yeoman Farmer emails:
Greetings from "flyover country" where we are so thankful that we do
not get all the government we pay for.
Thank you for your great work in bringing us both Target Liberty and EPJ. Before the election this fall, my neighborhood plans on having
both our two Congressional candidates and two Senate candidates meet
with us in a neighborhood forum to discuss their positions on matters
that are important to us in middle America. Do you have any suggestions on freedom questions to ask them? Thanks!
RW response:

Here are a few that you can pick from depending on what direction you want to go in.

Will you resign from office if you make a campaign promise and fail to honor it?

Will you pledge here and now that if elected you will never to vote for any tax increases?

Do you support Geroge Washington's view that the United States should not get involved in foreign entanglements and all foreign military aid should be stopped and all troops brought home?

If elected would you introduce a bill calling for a physical audit of the gold at Fort Knox?

If elected would you call for a committee to investigate whether the CDC considered the negative consequences of lockdowns such as suicides and people not being able to get medical treatment at hospitals because of the lockdowns and further investigate what those consequences were?

If elected would you introduce a bill calling for a hard cap on government spending until the deficit is eliminated?

If elected would you introduce a bill calling for a return to the gold standard? 

Will you pledge here and now that if elected you will always vote in favor of fewer regulations on American people and businesses, and never vote in favor of increasing regulations on American people and businesses?



  1. Will you vote against anyone and anything that initiates or advocates for the initiation of aggression?

    Will help to pass legislation to abolish the initiation of aggression?

    After they answer yes they will have opened themselves up to many other questions based on previously advocated for policies that cannot be achieved without the initiation of aggression.

  2. Questioning politicians is like wrestling a pig in the mud. You both end up dirty and the pig enjoys it.
