Friday, August 21, 2020

Portland Black Lives Matter Marches Through Suburbs

The madness continues to intensify.

BLM protesters are now marching through quiet suburban streets.




  1. We are witnessing the 21st century version of the the Brown Shirts who in the 1920s and 1930s paved the way for Adolf.

  2. It's a rolling Vote for Trump mob. In every town they march through, the convert more and more Trump supporters.

    David B.

  3. Another reason for me to get a Phalanx CIWS.

    “Meanwhile, 2 blocks down the road, at a peaceful surburban home, the family’s phalanx CIWS activates, allowing them peace of mind” 😂

  4. I wonder who damages more property and assaults more innocent people, this mob who rolled through this suburb this night, or the heavily armed gang of government enforcers who roll through every suburb every night?

  5. These people are handing Donald Trump the election on a silver platter. A vote for Trump is not actually a vote "for Trump", but rather against this insanity.

  6. Aren't these people running out of vacation time from their jobs? Gosh, they must now be eating into short-term disability leave and parental leave.

  7. Very bad Production. Hollywood can do better. People need new entertainment.

  8. These are Bolsheviks. Too bad they can't be mowed down with a 'street sweeper' and their carcasses hauled off to the garbage dump. I'd guess few of them have ever produced anything of value in their lives and barely qualified to mow a law unsupervised.

  9. When the BLM goes lower, whitey goes higher.

  10. People are making money off these fools. Like this guy:
    Link was an antifa's website.

  11. Nothing that a garden hose and strong nozzle won't solve.

    1. Backed up by loaded and visible guns. These peaceful protesters would quickly attack the hose holder and his house.
