Friday, August 7, 2020

This is Why The Mask Mandate Was Repealed in Orange County, California

This is impressive.

 I was initially going to post some thoughts today on how to deal with raving lunatic mask Nazis but that will have to wait.

 I just became aware of this superb effort by Peggy Hall, who went before Orange County, California Board of Supervisors in an attempt to get the mask mandate repealed in that county.

 Below is what she said before the Board (One minute and 5 seconds)


The mandatory masks order in Orange County was repealed the following day.

Be sure to visit her site. The work she is doing is very important right now.


 (ht Bruce Oliver)


  1. Peggy is the American we all want to believe we are.

    1. Absolutely. She has guts. Where are the men in all of this? They are looking pretty weak.

    2. If your looking for a more masculine response check out Sturgis, South Dakota and its annual motorcycle gathering. Action speaks louder than words.

  2. Stunning and awesome! Just donated $100. Will happy to keep donating more if the good work continues.


  3. One of Peggy Halls strategies is called: Drip, Drip, Drip... She seems to have taken a page from Gary North who wrote about Victor Bukovsky's successful letter writing campaign against the Soviet Unions Gulag in which he was imprisoned.
    Sad that we are reduced to this kind of activity but encouraging to know its been done before to some success.

    1. Oh wow Brian, that article brings back memories. It inspired me to write this letter to LRC:

      I still gum up the TSA works, btw. I should tell the story sometime about how I got our stroller stuck in thex ray machine :)


  4. If I recall, Peggy and others protested in front of the home of the public health official. It worked.

    Anybody in Santa Clara County interested in doing the same? We seem more docile and obedient than the folks down in Orange County.

  5. Yes, the protests are going on in Santa Clara County. There are details at Facebook, go to SONS OF MORGAN HILL on Facebook.

  6. We must be in the face of the United Nations, Communist, subversive, Socialist, Luciferian's every single day. I am not tired of winning yet! Put it on them Peggy Hall. Once the American people figure out how to get into the pockets of the bureaucrats the country will begin to change.

  7. Is this something that can work allover the US or California or only down in Southern Cali?
