Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I Can't Wait for the Day When...



 looks as silly as this:


Yes, I was 5 or 6 and did participate in "Duck and Cover" drills at my school, crouching under my desk to practice how to protect myself from an atomic bomb attack, but I have advanced over the years.

I don't follow the bastards the way I did at 5 or 6. Indeed, I am sure I began to start to hate them at around 5 or 6.

I can't wait for the day when I laugh at mask-wearing and others laugh with me, the way we all laugh at "Duck and Cover" now.



  1. Quick! Hide under this Kleenex until the thermonuclear blast---15 times hotter than the sun---has passed!

  2. How many nuclear weapons need to be used to do as much damage as the ‘Great Reset’ will cause?

    Are the new abnormal, anti-social distancing, masking, lockdowns and etcetera the equivalent of the government sponsored ‘Duck & Cover’ in case of nuclear bombs?

    Maybe if they were as benign as Duck & Cover.

    1. Duck & Cover was not benign. It fed the Cold War fear of the Soviet Union as a very real and personal threat.

    2. 10-4. Maybe benign is wrong word.

      IMO the technocratic panopticon fast forwarded by C-19 will cause more death and destruction than the old Cold War. Especially considering a new Cold War will be part of the new abnormal.

  3. I understand the sentiment, and largely agree with it, but Duck & Cover was not as stupid as you make it out to be. As was shown in dramatic terms with the near miss asteroid that impacted above a city in Russia a few years ago. If you see a bright flash, it means that a lot of energy has been released very quickly. It WILL be followed by a blast wave. In the Russian case, the blast came over a minute after the flash. Plenty of time to hide from the flying glass that followed. Those that did not duck were injured. Same thing with a nuclear blast, if you are lucky enough to be at the right distance from it, the flash won't get you, but the blast wave might.

    1. Important nuance, which is the same reason we move away from windows during a tornado warning even though we might all get dragged to kansas on a direct hit.

      Of course, one has to wonder if in a post Nuclear world, the dead are better off, than those narrowly outside the blast radius.

      Meh, morbid thoughts.

      David B

    2. And following your effective duck and cover, if you survive, you'll have death and destruction all around, nuclear fallout and a life of misery to look forward to. So again, it goes back to the futility of the advice of authorities from the 1950's.

    3. Another way to ridicule "Duck & Cover" is that the risk, if real, was entirely state-made, since nuclear war only presented a mortal risk because "statesmen" were arguing over power, which most citizens probably didn't care about (even though we had to pay for it).

  4. I took these thoughts and expanded on them in my Facebook group:

    One day, we will laugh at masks the way we laugh at the idea of Duck and Cover from an atomic bomb. Masks are as effective as that.

    We have three decades of randomized clinical trials showing that masks are not effective at stopping airborne respiratory illnesses. We have decades of OSHA guidelines that prolonged mask wearing is dangerous.

    Even in today's hysteria, driven by dread risk fear completely devoid of rational understanding of daily death risk, medical exemptions are given for people that can't safely wear a mask. Use that noodle up in your cranium for just a second folks. If masks are safe, what is the science behind the exemptions? (Hint: look up a study on pregnant health care workers and prolonged mask wearing. That's just one of many.)

    Mask mandates are CYA. Sweden proves emphatically that epidemiological predictions of doom were total nonsense, promoted by incompetent computer modelers, and peddled by power hungry politicians. If lock downs saved lives, not locking down should result in piles of dead bodies. Yet, Sweden, who was predicted to have between 81,000-96,000 deaths by July 1st, has under 6,000 today.

    Now that it's clear that millions of people were never going to die because of this bug, politicians need something to point to that shows they saved lives. Enter masks. The masks are helping us get to zero deaths, they say. Think that over....

    One day, there will be court hearings and trials. The tide is turning and people are getting super ticked off. Biden is going to be routed in November. Then comes the governors. And the state level officials. They all need to be put on trial for fraud. They took emergency funds when there was no emergency in order to defraud the public about a bug that wasn't nearly as dangerous as we were told.

    I am already against the next virus related safety measure. And I am already for the next politician and public health official sued for fraud.

    1. I agree with the first part of your post, but not the last:


  5. Wow! The more things change the more they stay the same. Todays victims of fear mongering often cling to some irrational out of context aspect of the "folk devil" (today known as covid-19) in an attempt at rationalizing their actions. Unknown's comment reminds us that victims of past fear mongering did very much the same thing. RW is correct, Duck and Cover spread fear of others and this led to the cold war and a generation of force and coercion. The struggle for rational thinking is the struggle to be human and manifests in the rejection of force and coercion and the acceptance of voluntary interaction. Abandon the "folk devil" and the political/bureaucracy that supports it.

  6. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e8f11c4b-8401-4e26-8e21-ed4bbb96dd66 "Uh-oh! Radiation. Duck and Cover!"

  7. I love that comparison. I agree that duck and cover and the mask are basically the same. The government has made us fear for our lives, and then they give us such handy advice on how we can be led to safety by them.

    Don't forget that it's also as silly as saying "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and we've gotta take him out!"

  8. The folklore around the benefits of masks is becoming so hyperbolic that it wouldn't surprise me if folks started claiming that masks could protect us from nuclear radiation.
