Thursday, July 30, 2020

Nutjob Fauci Escalates the Terror

This guy is seriously off.

 All indications are that except for the elderly and those with serious health conditions, anyone infected by COVID-19 has an extremely limited chance of a serious reaction.

Why is he babbling this nonsense?

 Either he is the frontman for a psyop campaign or he has a serious mental issues.

 Given what we know about COVID-19, his responses are not normal.



  1. I thought the exact same thing when I saw this article. The next thing will be ear muffs and/or gloves.

  2. Dr. Fauci, in the words of Mario Van Peebles in the movie Heartbreak Ridge, "Don't go away mad...just go away."

  3. I am already against the next virus related safety measure.


  4. Haha. If I'm supposed to wear goggles and a mask, then I'll just get a full SCUBA suit and wear that in public...with flippers, of course.

  5. It's almost like they're gathered in a back room, coming up with new ideas, one more ludicrous than the next, to see if the population will comply. They were probably bowled over by mask submission, so now they're thinking bigger. "How about if we tell them to wear only yellow shirts on Tuesdays?"

    I sort of hope that this goggles thing gets some traction, because then it will make it easy to criticize those who wear masks but not goggles. "Wait, you're allowed some discretion in deciding which of Fauci's diktats to follow? Then why can't I?"

  6. This makes me think of the movie The Last Mimzy. Humans from the future wore full body armor and were not breeding because of loss of human connection.

  7. What next Dr. Fauxci? If we don't wear a mask, the terrorists will win?

  8. Can Dr Fauci explain why Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg never wears a mask?

  9. Dr. Fauci is NOTHING but a media whore.

  10. He isn't a nutjob. He is a cold calculating murderer, who should be in prison. He, Gates and all the rest who are covering up for the cure which is cheap, has been on the market for decades and would end all this in short order. Hydroxychloroquine, yet these evil criminals continue to try and cover that up and dismiss anyone who tries to say otherwise.
