Friday, July 17, 2020

Miss Swimsuit UK is Stripped of Title Over 'All Lives Matter' Post

Here is what she posted:

 The wokists do not stop in their attacks, they do not sleep.



  1. All lives can't matter in a society where the fruits of the labor of some are forcibly transferred to others. That's why there is active suppression of the term. How can a person's time be stolen if his life matters?

  2. I am middle-aged and this is the worst I have EVER seen America. Between this crap and the COVID-19 paranoia. Plus the Fed systematically destroying the economy. It's such an AWFUL time.

  3. On a related note, FB blocked me from posting an article from the conservative Unz Review website but allowed a post linking to the US communist party website (revcom dot us). I tried as a test. Weird times.

    1. Trump does nothing while his supporters are routinely banned from Social Media.

  4. One point: The argument that more whites are killed by cops than blacks – sorry – Blacks is not a very good one. The percent of the population is much higher for blacks. Blacks are about 13% of the population in the US and about 26% killed by cops are black.

    Of course blacks are found to commit more crime and be more violent than any other designated race. How much of this is due to cops profiling blacks more than others? How much of the profiling is warranted by blacks genuinely being more violent? These questions are buried in history. If anyone knows of some good analysis of this please let us know.

    1. To your first point, the way that I look at it, the fact that ANY whites are killed by cops is one rebuttal to the "systemic racism" point, which seems to imply that ONLY blacks are killed by cops. (Another would be that the aggressor-cop against blacks is not always a white cop.)

    2. Steve Sailer points out that blacks account for 52.5% of homicide offenders while 26% have died at the hands of police, while it's 47.5% to 74% for non-blacks. These numbers are derived from the Washington Post and an Obama report. In summary, nonblacks are being killed by cops at 3 times the rate of blacks relative to their homicide propensities.

    3. Using the over represented method is accepting the leftist/marxist playing field that the only possible explanation is race. That is about as good as 'I don't know therefore aliens'. While 26% is double 13% it is only 13% different. I wouldn't expect correlations here to be any better than +/-15% or so to begin with. It's such a crude way of looking at things it would be remarkable to be that close. There are too many other variables in the system. With all those other variables being only 13% different would indicate that race is not some overwhelming driving variable. That some other variable needs to be explored.

      One relationship to look at would be these deaths as a percentage of police interactions. If these come out closer or indicate the opposite then it requires exploring yet other variables. Maybe there are a lot of police interactions against a smaller death rate per interaction? Then question what drives the interactions? What policies, laws, training, etc has the government undertaken that explains it? Is it cultural? Are there more police calls by other parties? It requires more intellectual curiosity than a single crude measure to figure out.
