Monday, June 29, 2020

YouTube Deplatforms Stefan Molyneux

YouTube has de-platformed Stephan Molyneux, taking down his entire YouTube channel which held 14 years of his work.

I rarely listened to  Molyneux but he never struck me as an extremist calling for violence, which should be the only sound reason to de-platform someone (if any).

One time someone pointed out an economic issue which I debated him on but it is a tragedy what has been done to him

Here is the statement has put out and his discussion of what is going on:
Mao Tech is clearly advancing its limitations on speech.

This, of course, is not good. It sure does look like the lefty extremists who want to see the destruction of Western Civilization are moving on all fronts.



  1. I wasn't a HUGE fan, but his arguments were always reasoned and fair. He does have style.
    I cannot for the life of me, conceive of ANY reason, why this guy should be shut down. So much for the free speech zone that once was the internet.

    1. He did a bunch of stuff on racial differences in IQ and temperament and its relationship to societal success. (I am not agreeing or disagreeing on this). These were from a couple years ago. I have not seen anything that could be considered racist lately, although I do not really follow him. I just get occasional notifications from when I subscribed years ago. He also did a couple videos defending some of the police shootings, so maybe that got him in trouble.

    2. Nothing so different from what Charles Murray wrote about in The Bell Curve, it would seem.

    3. The IQ stuff, what he mentioned in the videos I listened to, was reasonable for anyone with a grasp of statistics and data analysis. The problem was it was mathematics going up against a religious belief. The religious belief that arbitrary and biological groupings of human beings should have the same distributions unless of course there is some sort of group discrimination applied.

      Nobody would have a problem with if one took various varieties of some animal and compared them to each other. It would be an expected result. Say comparing types of squirrels on figuring out how to get food from ever more complex bird feeders or something. Nobody would care because there is no dogma that says all varieties of squirrels should have the same intelligence distribution across the population.

  2. Alex Jones came back stronger, so can you Stefan.


  3. Dang! He should have local copies of all the videos he uploaded to youTube but it'll be a huge effort to re-post them to another service and of course youTube comments will be lost. I'm hoping that the bad guys are over-playing their hand with purges such as this and will end up focusing more attention on people like Mr. Molyneux.

    1. Let's hope. Welcome the backlash!!!

    2. I didn't go back through the history very far on bitchute but his account there seems to have a mirror of the youtube videos going back at least a fair distance.

      All his videos and comments likely still exist on youtube but are inaccessible from the outside. Google probably never truly deletes everything. It looks like doesn't archive youtube videos.

  4. Stephan's work on peaceful parenting is Nobel Prize-worthy. His ideas on race are borderline retarded. Ultimately, he's an actor who plays a philosopher, but libertarians of all stripes could learn a thing or two from his theatricality and panache.

    1. So when are you moving to an African country? You truly are an air wasting dumbass like the rest of the libertardians here.
