Monday, June 22, 2020

Student Groups Organize to Boycott Cornell Law School Professor

Cornell University
Professor William A. Jacobson explains his situation:
I have been chronicling the saga of efforts to get me fired and denounced at Cornell Law School because of blog posts I wrote critical of the Black Lives Matter Movement as it originated, developed, and plays out now:
But I have not yet covered an effort to boycott my class.

I have been chronicling the saga of efforts to get me fired and denounced at Cornell Law School because of blog posts I wrote critical of the Black Lives Matter Movement as it originated, developed, and plays out now:

There’s an effort to get me fired at Cornell for criticizing the Black Lives Matter Movement Cornell campus climate “so far beyond political correctness”
Jonathan Turley rips Cornell Law faculty letter against me: “It is the antipathy of the intellectual foundations for higher education”
Thank you for your support in this time of cultural purge

But I have not yet covered an effort to boycott my class...

Open debate, having your views challenged in an environment that allows a give-and-take, and taking courses from professors with whom you might disagree politically, apparently is the latest thought crime.

Now that effort to boycott me is being amplified by the Cornell Law School chapter of the National Lawyers Guild (a left-wing national legal group), according to a tip and document I was given.
The easiest sign to spot that this is a grab for power and not based on facts is the consistent refusal these groups have to debate.

This is particularly unusual in a college setting which should be a period of vigorous debate and truth-seeking.

It should be obvious that the postmodernist, anti-reason crowd has taken over education and establishment media. This is an extremely serious problem.

Only a very few are willing to speak out.

Those that fail to do so will not slip through the cracks. The anti-reason crowd will eventually decide to go after everyone not part of the chosen group.

This is what has occurred before in Mao's China, Hitler's Germany and the Soviet Union of Lenin and Stalin.

We are living in a very, very dangerous period but even Prof. Jacobson doesn't realize the enormity of the battle. This is not just about his students. This is a battle for Western Civilization.


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