Friday, May 29, 2020

Evil Newsom Wants Students to Wear Masks in Class

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s reopening guidelines for schools include recommendations that students and teachers wear face coverings and receive daily temperature checks, according to a summary of the not-yet-released state guidance, reports Politico.

This comes despite the fact that evidence continues to accumulate that masks do more harm than good (SEE: New Study Casts More Doubt on Effectiveness of Masks in Preventing COVID-19 Spread).

And further, the threat of COVID-19 turning into a serious health concern for youth is near zero.

More from Politico:
Newsom is expected to release the guidelines publicly on Friday.

The guidance recommends that individually plated or bagged meals be served in classrooms instead of cafeterias and that students remain with the same small group of classmates and teachers as much as possible.

Cloth face coverings would be used by staff at all times, and would be most essential for students when physical distancing is not possible, according to the guidelines.

Schools would implement screening of all staff and students before they enter campus and monitor signs of illness throughout the day, sending any students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, a cough or other Covid-19 symptoms home.

Both school staff and parents would need training on how to use masks and increase sanitation, with the possibility of standardized videos and online training to come.
How can this be anything other than indoctrination of children to obey the state and fear everything else?

This is pure evil.



  1. The weather must be REALLY good in CA for folks to keep living there.

  2. They are doing the same in Virginia. It will be the same everywhere.

  3. Most municipalities include in their masked rules that masks are not required to be worn by those with medical conditions if wearing a mask would cause harm to. That is everyone.

    Nobody has the right to anyone else’s medical records. Public entities such as Gavins’ indoctrination factories should not be allowed to require medical proof. Students and parents should simply tell the school they are exempt and not wear masks. This should happen no matter what the masked rules are in an individual’s particular municipality.

  4. Are prison camps for children emerging?
