Friday, March 27, 2020

The Totalitarian Mayor in Chicago: Do Not Take Long Bike Rides

Lori Lightfoot
Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot is sure competing with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for Power Freak of the Year.

“Stay at home. Only go out for essentials. You have to readjust your thinking. Be smart,” Lightfoot told the public. “Not only will our police be deployed to shut them down if you are not abiding by these orders we will be forced to shut down the parks and lakefront. The situation is deadly serious and we need you take it deadly seriously.”

Lightfoot added that spending long periods of time outdoors, anywhere, is not allowed.

“You cannot go on long bike rides. You must abide by the order. Outside, is for a brief respite, not for 5Ks. I can’t emphasize enough that we abide the rules.”

The Police Power Freak of the Year award may also end up in Chicago.

Interim Police Superintendent Charlie Beck issued the strongest warning about being out with others, according to Chicago 2.

“The public health order is not an advisory. It is a mandate. If you violate it, you are subject to a fine of $500. If you continue to violate it, you will be subject to arrest,” Beck said.



  1. The petty tyrants couldn't have planned this pandemic better if they tried.

  2. If they arrest you for not complying with the social-distancing orders, then will they keep you six feet away from others in the jail cells?

    1. The social distancing rules inside confined spaces require more than 6ft separation:

  3. Where is the libertarian party? Organize some civil disobedience walks throughout these tyranny towns.

    1. This is not the time to stage a public demonstration of disobedience. 1) It will make libertarians look like contrarian knuckleheads who recklessly put others in danger, 2) as a native of Chicago, you can rest assured that the police chief is not bluffing; the police will stop, fine and imprison violators, it’s what they do, 3) there other well thought out and effective ways to “protest” without generating a conflict with law enforcement; RW is doing it with this site, 4) it’s hard to make a difference in the struggle for Liberty and Freedom if you’re in jail.

  4. This is crazy enough, but arresting people for doing nothing more than being outside and then stuffing them into a crowded jail is insanity.

  5. This is how you know it's about control over concern. If you go for a long bike ride or run by yourself and never get near another person, you have zero risk of contracting or transmitting the virus.

  6. I would like to hear more about 3.) from Derek F.

  7. Will we be granted a jury trial for these crimes? When will compelled jury duty be coming back, where they herd 600 strangers together in a large stuffy unvented room waiting all day to be called?
