Trump adviser Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, is probably the number one Trump administration official spreading panic with absolutely no justification.
Here is a great Bill Sardi graphic via LRC of his big lie that COVID-19 is 10 times more dangerous than the flu.
Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s Fauci was instrumental in preventing the primary critic of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, Peter Duesberg, a prominent virologist at Berkeley, from reaching the general public, putting pressure on national TV shows at which Duesberg was to be interviewed to cancel his appearance and substitute himself.
ReplyDelete(Inventing The AIDS Virus, pp 392-93, Deusberg)
I suggest to everyone to read the entire book, in order to understand how it works, who Anthony Fauci is, and much more.
DeleteIt provides total immunization against any coronavirus hysteria.
One of the most important books of the entire 20th century, and one of the most amazing stories ever happened.
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ReplyDeleteI second that. Deusberg is an eloquent writer.
DeleteWell, he is not simply a "writer" but one of the best scientist in his field and a truly courageous man. His academic career was of course damaged by his stance. He should have been listened to.
DeleteI couldn’t agree more with you. He reminds me of the late Thomas Szasz who argued against mental illness as a medical disease, the incarceration of people so labeled, and the hypocrisy of the psychiatric profession and its role as an eager arm of the state.
DeleteDo any visitors to this site know of good data on the reliabilty and accuracy of epidemiological forecasts? Internet searches only turn out information on weather, economic, and climate forecast accuracy.