Friday, February 28, 2020

Joe Biden: ‘If Someone in this Room Got Up, Took Off All Her Clothes … No Man Has a Right to Touch Her’

This is apparently the Democratic front runner in South Carolina:




  1. Well okay, but how do you escort her out for indecent exposure?

  2. If you are a man you are not even allowed to look at her. Toxic masculinity and all that.

  3. Well, it could've been worse: He might've added " matter how badly we want to do that, no matter how strongly 'the fever' strikes us, no matter how fervently we yearn to cup a supple breast, or squeeze some firm buttocks...we must not let our turgid manhood, straining at the bonds of our trousers, get the better of us."

  4. Says the guy who is notorious for putting his hands all over women and young girls. Road to Serfdom, Chapter 10, anyone?

  5. Not a very pleasant thought given the average age of the typical Biden voter...

  6. I'm just glad senile Joe kept his own clothes on during the ramble.
