Monday, January 13, 2020

The Economics of Meghan And Harry

Prof. Steve Hanke has some advice for the Royal family with what needs to be done with the rogue woke royals:
The economics of #MeghanAndHarry are clear. The #Royal family, the Firm, has a valuable brand. If it doesn’t want Rogue Royals damaging the brand by using it to promote left-wing political causes, titles must go.
Here's Harry trying to hustle up a voiceover gig for Meghan while talking to Disney CEO Bob Iger.

1 comment:

  1. not really as Charles has said he wants a slimmed down Monarchy ie the monarch and the Crown prince.
    Andrew got dragged out by security on national TV a couple of weeks ago now its Meghan and Harry's turn to be let go. (who at least where taken into the office).
    I'm guessing but trying to be the progressive prince and princess was a miserable failure as it probably turned out most lefty progressives couldn't give two hoots about how much attention was given to the issues of girls in the 3rd world by those two no matter how well they wrung their hands about it.
