Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Surveillance Footage of the Outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s Cell After His First "Suicide" Attempt is Missing

Surveillance footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center during his first suicide attempt has gone missing, prosecutors revealed Wednesday, according to the New York Daily News.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold admitted during a hearing in White Plains District Court that nobody can find the footage of the outside of the cell that he had shared with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione.

Bruce Barket, an attorney for Tartaglione, confirmed the revelation.

Tartaglione’s attorneys filed a request for the footage to be retained two days after Epstein’s unsuccessful suicide attempt on July 23, Barket said.



  1. Well, this comes as HUGE surprise! Missing video? Who would have thought?

  2. Our ersatz rulers can get away with murder (literally), while average citizens are held to the smallest tittle of the law.

    1. And people worry we are GOING to suffer a dictatorship when we are already there.
