Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mad Statists Suspend Straight A Student For Possession of a Counterfeit $20 Bill That He Didn't Know Was Counterfeit

I just came across this clip of an incident that occurred at the start of 2019 but it is a remarkable example of how statists just flunk sanity and reasonableness tests.

 A 12-year-old honor student at a Georgia middle school was suspended for 10 days after he claimed he unwittingly used a phony $20 bill his father gave him to buy his school lunch. Straight-A student Christian Philon said he was sent to the assistant principal's office at Austin Road Middle School in Stockbridge, an Atlanta suburb, last week when a lunch lady used a counterfeit-detecting pen on the bill and determined it was bogus, according to ABC News.


We really need the Private Property Society.



  1. But... the parents will continue to send their son to the school. We do need a PPS, and the end of the public education system will be one of the greatest achievements. Take your kids out of public school. I was homeschooled back in the 80’s when it was still getting parents thrown in jail, and having 8 kids myself, 3 that are still teenagers, I am convinced that a child staying home and even doing absolutely zero structured “schooling”, is better than sending a child to the public school system. The school system is enemy #1 as far as turning kids into little commies. And the worse things get, the schools will be more of a weapon than they currently are.

    1. Can't agree more. The public schools are an absolute disaster.

      Merry Christmas all! :)

  2. We're seeing more and more crimes that abandon the "mens rea" requirement, i.e. a requirement that the offender have had "guilty mind" i.e. that he knew he was doing bad and committing a crime and a bad act. That's the result of veering ever farther from good old rational, dispute-emanating, English Common Law, and instead embracing instant-gratification statutory law. Under the former, you couldn't possibly be guilty of accidentally stealing something or defrauding someone, because without the element of intent, there was no guilty mind and no crime. But statutory law is lazy, and more and more the goal is to ensnare people instead of achieve justice. And consequently, we see a lot of contraband-type crimes---including I suppose the crime of being in possession of counterfeit money.

  3. On the bright side, that's 10 fewer days that this poor kid will be subject to statist nonsense.

  4. If this kid was punished for unknowingly passing a counterfeit $20.00 bill, shouldn't the "legalized" counterfeiters known as the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee be punished (i.e. arrested, indicted, tried, convicted and imprisoned) for its actions?
