Friday, November 8, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard Destroys the Ladies of 'The View'

Tulsi is really tough and can really handle herself. It is really too bad she doesn't understand a damn thing about economics.




  1. 100% agree. The word "poised" comes to mind every time I see her address this nonsense with hostile interviewers.

  2. "Tulsi is really tough and can really handle herself. It is really too bad she doesn't understand a damn thing about economics."

    or abortion
    or the 2nd amendment, assault weapons, gun control
    or LGBT crap
    or climate change
    or the Electoral College
    or impeachment
    or the military budget
    or transgender/military garbage
    or lots of things that fit into the ecomics category (federal stimulus spending, free tuition at public higher education, free community college, Medicare for All, federal minimum wage increase, income tax increase, no cuts to Medicare and Social Security - expansion instead, raising estate taxes, equal pay for equal work, etc.)

    She's basically right on one thing - foreign policy. Not enough to support her in light of the rest of it.

    1. It matters little on where she stands or any other politician when the un-elected state players dictate what figureheads will or will not do.

    2. Well, no less a personage that the late great Murray Rothbard held that foreign policy trumped all other issues.
      That is, life and death mattered most, and the domestic stuff could be fought over after we all survive.

    3. Gary, Tulsi is right on many issues in addition to foreign policy. I suggest you look more deeply into her positions. She has time for only sound bites in most interviews.

    4. She is good on the National Security State, drug, war, death penalty, and civil liberties (as conventionally regarded).

  3. What the hell is going on with Whoopi’s hair. And why would anyone want to appear on the view?

  4. She's sounding like a broken record. Too bad she doesn't go deeper and articulate more on exactly why foreign interventionism and war are bad and irrational, e.g. that it diverts valuable resources and productivity from the private sector and sends it down the toilet...that America had an earlier tradition of military isolationism that assisted our meteoric, economic rise, etc. etc.
    Instead, it's the same "I'm a soldier, I'm a patriot, I went to war after 9/11, I'm offended when people question these facts" blah blah.

    1. She does go deeper, for example her Dave Rubin interview:

  5. And why is Megan McCain wearing a spotted tent?

  6. "I am a patriot." She lost me there.
