Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Scaramucci: More Dirt Coming on Trump in 3 to 6 Weeks

Anthony Scaramucci appears to be driven to force President Trump out of the White House.

It appears to encompass his thoughts 24 hours a day.

Claire Landsbaum reports on what occurred when The Mooch sat down to talk to Vanity Fair. It turns out (surprise) that it was an interview where he focused on attacking Trump:

 “In the next three to six weeks there will be more damning information related to the president” released, Scaramucci predicted. “He’s aware of it. I believe that [Mitch] McConnell will eventually go to him and say, ‘Hey man, you’ve gotta take one for the team...you’ve gotta go back.’ He’ll probably end up back at Mar-a-Lago or something.” Though he says he hasn’t had a personal conversation with McConnell, who “plays his cards very close to the vest,” Scaramucci said he has “talked to a legion of people” who see the tables beginning to turn. “For someone like McConnell,” he acknowledges, “it’s going to take a little more lawless activity exposure.” But, he predicted, the evidence of more high crimes and misdemeanors will be forthcoming: “We’ll eventually uncover that something happened between him and the president of Turkey to have him disavow the Kurds the way he did. I believe there’s a personal transaction embedded there as well.”

“I predict he will be out of office before the next election,” Scaramucci continued, adding that Nancy Pelosi is “like my favorite Italian now at this point.” Trump will “either be out the way Lyndon Johnson was out, or he’s going to resign from office. I do believe he’s cornered now and as the facts unfold they’re so overwhelming in their criminality that he’ll be out of office.”

Through all of it, Scaramucci predicts Trump will fight to hold onto power. Discussing the time the president tweeted at his wife, Scaramucci says, “that’s the president’s move. Calling me an unstable nutjob wasn’t enough, he had to go after” a private citizen. “He may not have early-stage dementia, but he definitely has early-stage fascism...That’s a message to people in the House, a message to people on Fox, ‘I’m a full-blown demagogue. You’ve got to be 13 for 10 for me, and if you’re not, I’m going to blast you.’” (This is born of the fact, he says, that Trump has “the self-esteem of a small pigeon.”)

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