Friday, September 6, 2019

'ThinkProgress' Fails

The lefty website, ThinkProgress, is shutting down. It was a project of the Democratic Party think tank Center for American Progress.

“Given that we could find no new publisher, we have no other real option but to fold the ThinkProgress website back into CAP’s broader online presence with a focus on analysis of policy, politics, and news events through the lens of existing CAP and CAP Action staff experts,” said Navin Nayak, the executive director of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, in a statement.

Can you imagine, a news site with such scintillating headlines as these, can't make it:

From the current front page:
CNN’s planning a 2020 LGBTQ forum. Here are some issues advocates say the candidates should address.
It wasn’t a debate, but CNN’s 7-hour climate forum laid bare key differences among Democrats
Kristen Stewart’s experience is emblematic of LGBTQ people’s struggles in Hollywood
Not only is the Left not filled with deep thinkers, but they are wacko and boring.



  1. I'm waiting for an expose on how Climate Change will effect the LGBTQ community.

  2. I guess they could 'learn to code'.

    I'm happy to see leftist out of work, if you could call what they do work.
